After looking at them more I think the "Inception" would be an "as first built" Obi Wan ANH not Jedi Luke. I always seem to get those two mixed up.
Fragmentation grenade body = Obi-Wan ANH saber.
After looking at them more I think the "Inception" would be an "as first built" Obi Wan ANH not Jedi Luke. I always seem to get those two mixed up.
After looking at them more I think the "Inception" would be an "as first built" Obi Wan ANH not Jedi Luke. I always seem to get those two mixed up.
Speaking of this, does anyone know where I could get a good Luke ROTJ saber? It doesn't look like Roman has one.
It depends which version you want. SD studios makes the best hero version.
Seems in the blaster area FieldMarshall is doing a similar thing with the E-11 blaster, he's making a very accurate one as we speak.
That E-11 he's building looks so freaking awesome! I want one bad.![]()
It depends which version you want. SD studios makes the best hero version. For the V2 Anakin Starkiller at RPF has made some amazing runs. Then you'd need to get the various pieces like slot furnaces card for the clamp, wanna wanga's clamp lever etc
Thanks for the info. Looks like I'm about two years too late. If anyone has a line on where I could get a SD studios hero Luke ROTJ saber please let me know!
I wonder if being 3D printed has something to do with it...
A lot of people complained about that and that seems to be the reason they went under, but I'd still really like to get my hands on one. I would be taking a chance, but my offer remains the same.
That E-11 he's building looks so freaking awesome! I want one bad.![]()
They pop up on ebay all the time from SD Studios himself...username sd-studios. He just sold one a little over a month ago.
I've got a few Roman pieces. & I think they're all second to none.
I've got his weathered Obi-Wan ANH lightsaber. Every piece of this has been replicated from the individual real world parts - which he owns - from his real parts Obi-Wan saber. The best thing about this is, should you be lucky enough to come across a real - vintage - part, you can swap the parts. So far I have real calculator bubbles, transistors, & an Armatage sink knob (sink knob not installed yet).
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I also have 2 of his GRAFLEX flash handles. These are so close to the real GRAFLEX flash handles, that he had to put a few small "tells", so they couldn't be passed off as real ones. But you can put batteries in 'em & pop a bulb if you wanted.
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I don't have any flash bulbs, but I threw batteries in one & turned on the test light.
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I'm keeping one pristine. The other, however, I turned into Luke's ANH lightsaber.
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Your roman's looks great! I want to build an Obi-Wan saber based on Roman's FX MK1 hilt. Wondering if you have commissioned a saber-smith to install the electronics, ie sound and lights? If so, could you let me know which sound board and who did you commission to install it for your Roman's