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As far as I'm concerned everyone is free to like what they like, dislike what they dislike, and keep their own tally of what "counts" for them and what does not.

I learned some time ago that in internet debates, no one is ever as convincing as they believe themselves to be. I can count on one hand the number of times I have witnessed someone in an argument stop and concede: "you know, you're RIGHT, and I've been wrong all along."

Best to let people believe what they want, even if that belief includes thinking they get to decide what YOU get to "like" or what YOU are able to "count". Easiest to just nod along while silently knowing better. :)
If you liked TFA you are NOT a Star Wars fan, you probably love films like BVS of Gigli. I a fan of 6 SW films, haven't seen Rouge One. OT rules. When you get older you'll probably enjoy movies that are good and hate those dumb popcorn flicks. With age comes Wisdom. People in their 80's and 90's don't watch BVS and TFA.

I like TFA. Good thing i'm not in my 80's or 90's yet. :)
If you liked TFA you are NOT a Star Wars fan, you probably love films like BVS of Gigli. I a fan of 6 SW films, haven't seen Rouge One. OT rules. When you get older you'll probably enjoy movies that are good and hate those dumb popcorn flicks. With age comes Wisdom. People in their 80's and 90's don't watch BVS and TFA.

Wow. All this time I thought I was a Star Wars fan. So you're telling me I've been wrong since '77 because I liked (not loved) TFA? I even liked AOTC. Yes, it was flawed, but it furthered the story of the fall of Anakin. They even did a great job with Vader and his anger towards Obi-Wan from ROTS to ANH. If you're a fan, you know the scene from ANH I'm referring to. Thanks for clearing up my life for me.
By the way, it's Rogue One, not Rouge One. And, Talos IV is Star Trek, not Star Wars. Just saying.
Well the "OT" part was carried over from my reply to someone else. Pretend like that wasn't in my sentence to get the point. Saying you only "accept" some of the canon is silly because head canon is irrelevant. The Clone Wars and The Force Awakens are Star Wars. There is a big difference between not liking something from it (Because AOTC is easily the worst SW film made), and acting like it doesn't count.

The comic store owner in The Simpsons was basically created to mock these type of things.

ATOC had Yoda finally yield a Light Saber, that scene alone beats everything from the un-original new hope remake called The Farce Awakens.
Wow. All this time I thought I was a Star Wars fan. So you're telling me I've been wrong since '77 because I liked (not loved) TFA? I even liked AOTC. Yes, it was flawed, but it furthered the story of the fall of Anakin. They even did a great job with Vader and his anger towards Obi-Wan from ROTS to ANH. If you're a fan, you know the scene from ANH I'm referring to. Thanks for clearing up my life for me.
By the way, it's Rogue One, not Rouge One. And, Talos IV is Star Trek, not Star Wars. Just saying.

ATOC is great. But The scene with OBI "dying"....he will become more powerful...the ATOC does explain that, and its "one" reason Anakin went "crazy". The Emperor lied to him about the "saving lives" or returning from the "dead". Not possible with the darkside. Yoda mentions it with Qui Gon's spirit. Obi Learns it and talks to Luke.

TFA has no "magic" like that. Force Awaken Fans are basically Fake Fans. I won't even watch EPVIII, and today we hear the director say he wants it "to be a blast & funny"....great! They tried hard to throw that slapstick in TFA, so much forced comedy another reason its garbage.

Hopefully EPVII is a great film, it would make me forget about TFA.

and srry for spelling errors, I'm busy while typing.

PS - Let me add JJ Abrams also ruined Star Trek, this Chris Pine as a College Dumb Goof ball as Capt Kirk is far off from the original. And blowing up Vulcan basically kills spock. That's for another thread.
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Nope. You missed it. Everyone rips the prequels for Anakin being such a whiney emo. I hate sand, the others are jealous, blah, blah, blah. Evil doesn't always start out evil. Like the Joker's point in The Killing Joke, sometimes all it takes is one event. So Anakin is screaming his hatred of Obi Wan the last time he sees him. Fair enough. In ANH, throughout the movie, Vader is a bada55 in control of himself, until he sees Obi Wan. He faces him with such pent up rage and emotion, he's the young padawan again. He is rocking back and forth with anger in anticipation of fighting his former master. Every other fight of his is very calm, slow, and deliberate. For me, that was a well done bit of continuity. You never really knew why Vader's demeanor changed so much when he first faced old Ben Kenobi. Now it was understood.
I will agree about Star Trek. It's terrible.
My point is, you made a mistake discounting people's opinions of the films in your statement. "Only a Sith deals in absolutes." That's what you did. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. You can't just tell someone who they are because their opinion is different. Maybe you should reconsider that statement and either change it or amend it. Or not. You are, after all, entitled to your opinion. :wink1:
Anyone clueless enough to think there are "real" and "fake" fans, based solely on their own silly opinions about what is "good" and what is "not" = :cuckoo:

I do believe if you like EPVII you never knew what SW was really about, and EPVIII could be called "Poop on a lightsaber hilt" and you would still love and pay to see it. And to conclude Lucas hated EPVII and he is the creator weather he lost his "touch" its his baby and world. So I'm just glad I agree with him, that's all the really matters.
I'm so confused I just want a Melted Vader prop replica.

Send me your Vader helmet and I'll melt it for you. It'll only cost half the price of the weird TFA one made by PropShop :p I'll even sugar coat it for no additional price.
Since PropShop site is no more, here is an archive of their product pages, might help for future searches:










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