Star Wars vs Star Trek: I've just traded allegiance.

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I love collectind Sideshow Star Wars figures, but I still have no interest in Star Trek figures no matter how great the movie is. See, I still have my childhood allegaince left.

Anybody know when this ST TV series is supposed to start. I remember hearing rumors a while back, but I thought they scrapped it. I sure hope it has a more mature flavor than the Clone Wars stuff does.

Not sure about the ST TV Series but I hope this ends up being true about the SW TV Series:

More details have been released about George Lucas’ long-awaited Star Wars live-action series. The series will be set during the 19-year period between the end of Episode III:Revenge of the Sith and the beginning of Episode IV: A New Hope.

In Star Wars lore, this period is called “the dark times”. The series will possibly be seen on HBO and Lucas has described it as “Deadwood and The Sopranos in space”. Lucas has also stated that the show will be a lot more “talky” than the film franchise, revealing that the main influence for the series will be film noir movies from the 1940s.
I am seeing the new ST tomorrow, but I know it's not going to make me feel like I was seven years old again, especially seeing that massive Star Destroyer cruising over my head chasing that Blockade Runner back in 77.

But like it was mentioned before, it's apples and oranges. I like both and they taste good in a fruit salad.
Re: Star Wars vs Star Trek: I just changed my life long allegiance.

Meh. It's still Star Trek, and ST is just Meh. I've been hearing good things though glad trekies like it.

But SW owns ST

agreed! star trek has always been for the geeky nerds anyway..not to mention star treks New World Order Pyramid Symbol on their chests!:D
Re: Star Wars vs Star Trek: I just changed my life long allegiance.

agreed! star trek has always been for the geeky nerds anyway..not to mention star treks New World Order Pyramid Symbol on their chests!:D

I think you mean Star Wars was for Geeks and Star Trek was for Nerds. :p
I was a Star Trek fan waaaaay before Star Wars arrived. But when SW debuted in 1977 I was like every other 10 year old and went nuts for SW!

I've love them both equally and I'm glad to see that ST is coming back strong. :D
I love both Star Wars and Star Trek and many other sci-fi movies and series. I'm going to watch the new ST movie and I'm quite sure I'll enjoy it. Will I collect items from new ST movie? NO. Do I collect Star Wars Prequels, Terminator 3 & Salvation, AVP, Batman Begins/TDK? NO (with very small exceptions). I watch them, I enjoy them but most of the time I try collecting the originals.
I've been around long enough to know that "flavors of the month" can effect people.

The only truth to that may be that I've had such a bad taste in my mouth from Star Wars recently that the quality of this movie was what I was really starving for.

You may very well turn into the world's biggest Star Trek fan. I wish you the best of luck in that endeavor. :lol:duff

Oh god, don't say that! I'm a huge geek at heart, but becoming a Trekkie is a line have sworn to never cross. And I'll never be so self-deluded to call myself a Trekker (there's no such thing--Gene said so himself, and he invented the thing).
That new Star Wars series sounds pretty right on for what I'm hoping for. Hopefully I'll be posting a thread in the future about how I've swung back to Star Wars. It's my fist love, it's just been a let down for a while.
I will NEVER switch allegiance, however, I will say that this is a must see movie and from what I see from the previews is what I wish P-OT SW had done, this is why Lucas needs to retire and pass the rings to someone that knows what he or she is doing...
Look at it like the Elvis vs. Beatles comparison. You can like both, but there's always gonna be one you like more than the other.
...but as a life long Star Wars fan somewhat disapointed with Nazi Lucas's green screen CG obsessed prequels, and a not-fan of the cheezy, goody good geek fest that used to be Star Trek, I have to say that the tide has finally turned. It felt like a kick to the balls to admit it last night, but it's happened. Star Trek is now the ****, and Star Wars is the toilet paper. Star Trek owns the space wars genre now...

I once felt the same way about Star Wars and made the silly statement that PotC was better. Then I took my head out of my ass and put it back in my brain. You will probably change back in the future. But I understand how you feel.

PS. Star Trek :rock
Pfft! TREK has a long way to go before it dethrones anything. One real good (but short of great) movie won't derail 30+ years of fandom for me.

(The prequels and CW "movie" came close, though :lol )

Besides, who would you rather claim at conventions... the Klingons or the Slave Leias (non-fat ones)? :lecture
sorry, but i have little to no interest to see star trek. never have and never will be a fan of it. i'll just wait to rent it on Blu. shouldn't this be moved to the movies discussion forum??
sorry, but i have little to no interest to see star trek. never have and never will be a fan of it. i'll just wait to rent it on Blu. shouldn't this be moved to the movies discussion forum??

It's actually really good... but of course people are already going crazy overboard with it. It'll be this year's TDK.
Pfft! TREK has a long way to go before it dethrones anything. One real good (but short of great) movie won't derail 30+ years of fandom for me.

(The prequels and CW "movie" came close, though :lol )

As far as I'm concerned nothing has been done in Star Wars since the prequels. I refused to acknowledge CW.

Besides, who would you rather claim at conventions... the Klingons or the Slave Leias (non-fat ones)? :lecture

Well....ST has its Orion Slave Girls too...that part I know :lol

They even appeared in the New Star Trek:

Strangely enough it was supposed to be Diora Baird but in this scene above and in the film it was Rachel Nichols. Yup Scarlett herself ends up in this one:

Diora Baird >>>>>>>>>>>> Rachel Nicols.

Plus, Orion Slave Girls always get mistaken for She-Hulk anyway. :lol