Star Wars vs Star Trek: I've just traded allegiance.

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Plot synopsis:
Movie opens with one spaceship getting smacked around by a much-larger spaceship from a large empire. The main villain on the much-larger ship is looking for someone associated with a device that can destroy planets.

Cut to a farmboy who lost his warrior father and loves fast vehicles. He doesn't get along with the man who raised him, and dreams of a better life in outer space. An older mentor inspires the boy to leave home -- where he gathers an ad-hoc family of vivid, bickering characters who bond under pressure in a really fast spaceship as they try to (a) rescue someone from the aforementioned much-larger spaceship and (b) prevent the villain from blowing up planets.

There might even be an awards ceremony, a retractable sword, and a bar full of aliens in there somewhere.
Does that sound very familliar at all. :lol

Maybe thats J.J's touch on the movie since he is a Star Wars fan and not Trek.
Ah yes... sorry, I thought you were sticking with the first theory though.

Well I guess I'm sort of undecided.

But if you look at how time travel has been handled on the various Trek series (and it comes up a LOT), it seems pretty clear that going back in time does change what comes afterward. There are several episodes of Voyager where this happens, and I remember one in particular where they made a big deal about how going back in time and making small changes would in effect wipe out billions of people in the future. The thing that kind of annoys me about the whole thing is that they could have told a pretty similar story, but still have it fit into the existing backstory.

But I guess it's best not to focus too much on things like this. It was a good movie.
Why can't you be a fan of both? I love Marvel Comics but I also love DC Comics. I split time between Wars and Trek, love them both equally, think they both have their weaknesses but I can always overlook that.
It's just like a man splitting time between his wife and his girlfriend...
Because, like Mia's speech in Pulp Fiction, I believe you can't love both equally. For instance, there's two kinds of people in this world, Elvis people and Beatles people. Now Beatles people can like Elvis. And Elvis people can like the Beatles. But nobody likes them both equally. Betty or Veronica, chocolate or vanilla, somewhere you have to make a choice. And that choice tells who you are.
Because, like Mia's speech in Pulp Fiction, I believe you can't love both equally. For instance, there's two kinds of people in this world, Elvis people and Beatles people. Now Beatles people can like Elvis. And Elvis people can like the Beatles. But nobody likes them both equally. Betty or Veronica, chocolate or vanilla, somewhere you have to make a choice. And that choice tells who you are.

Nope, disagree completely. I love them both, but in different ways. Not like Betty and Veronica, but like 2 favorite uncles.
I'm only a casual trek watcher - can watch for a while then loose interest.
I've heard good things about the movie & I hope it's true! if true it will probably serve to peak my interest in ST but it will never replace OT SW..
Betty or Veronica, chocolate or vanilla, somewhere you have to make a choice. And that choice tells who you are.

Well here is the thing, I would love both Betty and Veronica at different times but as equally, as hard and often as possible. Sometimes your in the mood for a brunette and sometimes a blonde. The great thing is if Star Wars is Betty and Star Trek is Veronica, we got ourselves a new Veronica! We traded the monopausal, long in the tooth way past even Cougar years Veronica to a new 22 year old bright and shiny Veronica with a great body and we had a really good first time out and we're ready for a second...that doesn't mean that tomorrow I won't wake up and say..I'm ready for some Betty because I love Betty, she's been good to me except in the past couple of years but hey....when our faithful Betty sees how much attention we are paying to Veronica she'll probably adapt a few of her tricks and a couple of new ones to keep us interested so its all good. :naughty

Nope, disagree completely. I love them both, but in different ways. Not like Betty and Veronica, but like 2 favorite uncles.

I know what you're saying Dave but this read incredibly wrong in my mind. :lol
Grew up on classic Trek- but got blown away that day, not too long after my 17th birthday, when that long long ship went rumbling over my head, and that crazy old man dropped his guard and became one with the Force.

The Original Trilogy has been something special to me ever since that day. Even though the Prequels didn't have the storytelling or the spirit of those first three, SW continues to be a major and delightful part of my life.

I hadn't had much hope for ST in quite some time. Abrams deserves a lot of credit for shaking up a moribund franchise and making, for the first time in many years, a Trek film that is a joy to watch. Live long and prosper, JJ, you did well. :)
Because, like Mia's speech in Pulp Fiction, I believe you can't love both equally. For instance, there's two kinds of people in this world, Elvis people and Beatles people. Now Beatles people can like Elvis. And Elvis people can like the Beatles. But nobody likes them both equally. Betty or Veronica, chocolate or vanilla, somewhere you have to make a choice. And that choice tells who you are.

I like them both because I don't consider them in the same category. In my opinion Star Wars is more fantasy than sci-fi and Star Trek is hardcore science fiction.
Some of Star Trek is based in reality so for that I give it high respect.
For imagination I give Star Wars high respect, though it is not 100% original it has given us some of the most memorable characters and just pure pop in history. But that's just my opinion, I love them both.
I like them both because I don't consider them in the same category. In my opinion Star Wars is more fantasy than sci-fi and Star Trek is hardcore science fiction.

I agree (although I think Star Trek is only "hardcore" SF in comparison with Star Wars -- there's much "harder" stuff out there). I pretty much like all of the SF franchises. Battlestar Galactica (at least the new one), Firefly, Star Wars, Star Trek. I love it all. But Star Wars and Star Trek are special, albeit in different ways.
Comparing the two is a difficult task as they are very different properties. I love both, If I could only live with one I'd give the nod to SW... but luckily that's not a decision I've been forced to make in my life :lol
I agree (although I think Star Trek is only "hardcore" SF in comparison with Star Wars -- there's much "harder" stuff out there). I pretty much like all of the SF franchises. Battlestar Galactica (at least the new one), Firefly, Star Wars, Star Trek. I love it all. But Star Wars and Star Trek are special, albeit in different ways.

Oh, of course. I think when it comes to sci-fi the current Battlestar Galactica, Terminator, Blade Runner and even some anime are more hardcore. But Star Trek, especially the ships, have some basis in real science and that is one of the reasons why I love it.
Trekkie vs. Trekker
Some Star Trek enthusiasts prefer the term "Trekkie", while some others self-identify as "Trekker". Self-identification as a "Trekkie" became even less popular after a famous national television parody in 1986 (see Parodies below); several self-described "Trekkers" were quoted as saying they "had a life" (contrasting themselves from "Trekkies").

In the 1991 TV show Star Trek: 25th Anniversary Special, Leonard Nimoy attempts to settle the issue by stating that the term 'Trekker' is the correct one.

In the documentary Trekkies, Kate Mulgrew stated that Trekkers are the ones "walking with us" while the Trekkies are the ones content to simply sit and watch Star Trek.

The issue is also shown in the film Trekkies 2, in which a Star Trek fan recounts a supposed incident during a Star Trek convention where Gene Roddenberry used the term "trekkies" to describe fans of the show, only to be corrected by a fan that stood up and yelled "Trekkers!" Gene Roddenberry allegedly responded with "No, it's 'Trekkies.' I should know — I invented the thing."

Roddenberry says its Trekkie. Get over it. :D
Not to mention with what Mulgrew said "Trekkers are walking with us but Trekkies are the ones who are content with just sitting and watching Star Trek"....classify me a Trekkie. I'm content to watch I don't want to actually think I'm in the ******* thing :lol