I always require insurance because of transit damage. Thankfully I always record unedited video of me packing and delivering the item to the post office, that way I have proof that it left my house in the stated condition on either my sales area or amazon, etc.

I don't believe you should file a paypal claim unless the seller is refusing to HELP you to file the USPS claim or so. because it is not fair for the seller to lose the $$ or statue due to USPS fault.
According to Business Law, the item is responsibility of the buyer once it enters the carriers hands and leaves the premises of the seller (had to take 3 business law classes for university lol). I have I always provide help to my buyers as much as I can because i want them to get compensation from the USPS in case of any damage.
now you should file the paypal claim if you are not sure if the seller broke it before hand, thankfully tho, in my case, my buyers knows that i did not break or sell not described items cuz they can see the videos and know I am honest, so filing a claim would be completely unfair. Also when you buying an item stated as broken claims are almost worthless with paypal specially if there is insurance, used item and video/pictures. so when you buying broken items or used, also got to be careful that the seller is honest (like me lol)
PS. I see that you have A LOT of issues with buyers scamming you comicbookguy and you never want to state their names... I am starting to think you might be the one scamming LOL, thankfully i never sold you anything, because I am sure you would have made an issue of it too huahuahuaa