Mine arrived today, pretty happy with how it turned out!
nice rounded number too... 50/5000
nice rounded number too... 50/5000

Rorywan is BACK !
My fingers are crossed that you get this statue, as I would love to see you put your magic touch to optimise it even further (if possible).
All I can say is that this LOVE this 1/6 statue !
GungFu..kindly go over to customs at the coventry hub (about a 100miles from me) and do some butt kicking please..2days to UK from HK.and stuck for 4days about 100miles from me...ridiculous!!!!
Mine arrived today, pretty happy with how it turned out!
nice rounded number too... 50/5000
Damn it Gung you drew me back in.. and yes, this looks amazing..
Sweet edition #nice rounded number too... 50/5000![]()
So they take their time getting it to you, & then decide to charge you for it?MM.now awaiting customs charging..gonna cost me by the looks of things
We have seen the picture(s) of your recent figure display of figurines not wearing any pants, and even piling them up on each other.... Not even your recent figurine display has any class, but just too many in a very small space and no meaning or reference to actual stances from the movies....
I am stating the obvious, and warning other figure collectors here not to go for your foolish advise of watering the pants while it is still on the figure !
By the way, your poor, imbecile personal attacks does not bother me at all![]()
I disappear for a while and come back to find...what?
Shadow and Gung still high-kicking each other!!
Shadow, we all know you damage your own sets then moan about it for years. Maybe you should try some white spirit on your GOD body to fix it.
Or are your fingers really really big?
I think in not your business how I keep my figures (they are in safe plae and this is the most important thing..) and how pose my figures...If I want I pose my figures all naked..with the finger up only for you...your words are not sense and is not sense your offense at my person...
"I am stating the obvious, and warning other figure collectors here not to go for your foolish advise of watering the pants while it is still on the figure !"
why ? Have you tried this trick? no you don't because you are a little child who has scared to ruin his toys...
this is the best way to keep the pants or the shirts dressed on a figure as well
the most important thing is :
Don't try this trick with rubber bodyes...for the pvc and plastic this is th best way to have perfect dressed figure..
..You do have a giant finger Shadow, don't you? C'mon admit it, you are amongst friends here. Post a pic of your giant finger and tell us what really happened to your G.O.D. set?
Thanks guys!
I actually wanted to pose the statue using the GOD costume, but unfortunately I am not sure if I willing to cut away at the shoes to mod it with the onitsuka sneakers.
The current GOD suit with platform shoes look freakin weird
i have not spoken about splash the figure in the water but to wet the pants with water...Shadowfla, this is just too stupid !
Of course I would NOT put water on the pants when it is still on the figure - because I would worry it would cause water damage on the figure. Actually it is STUPID because you do not know if the material used for the material of the actual figure is water proof or not ! To me it seems that you are just taking a chance out of the blue, without thinking - or even worse, you WANT people's figures to be ruined - probably because you end up with so many faulty figures.... And why would anyone be stupid enough to take your advise when you are mostly known on the forum as both being the most ignorant and having the most damage collection....
I care about my fellow collector, and I am even willing to go an extra mile to help people out in the safest way, and the safest way is to not take any chances - especially NOT splashing water on a figure. If I see someone (anyone for that matter) writing instructions which will or might cause damage or ruin their figures then I will try my best to warn people not to do so.
Unfortunately your postings does not make much sense, and most of them are in my opinion irrational and not productive or positive... What is even worse is that you are ignorant and do not take a hint or even learn from your own mistakes. The only thing you contribute with is keeping on posting same things over and over again.
Tell me one thing Shadowfla: If someone would follow your "advise" and the figure or statue got ruined, would you take full responsibility and give that person or persons a full refund for a new figure ? I strongly doubt that !
Thanks guys!
I actually wanted to pose the statue using the GOD costume, but unfortunately I am not sure if I willing to cut away at the shoes to mod it with the onitsuka sneakers.
The current GOD suit with platform shoes look freakin weird
Looks amazing....almost makes me want to buy another one and cut the feet off and do a full GoD statue !