Man, I love Steam. The only reason I ever game my PS3 now is to play Assassin's Creed 3. But, I'm pretty much done with consoles.
I think I'm gonna build a desktop machine after I pick up some Black Friday deals.
I think I'm gonna build a desktop machine after I pick up some Black Friday deals.
The only thing that has kept me from doing it before is the console exclusives. God of War, Uncharted, Halo, Gears of War, and some others. I'm not sure what to do when those start coming out for the PS4 and One.
Humble weekly deal is all TellTale games (a lot of them):
Sam and Max
Puzzle Agent
Back to the Future
Poker Night
Wallace and Grommit
Pay what you want, but beat the average and get:
The Walking Dead
Great deal....
If you haven't gotten Alan Wake, it's $4 on steam
STEAM Summer Sale starts tomorrow!!
just downloaded steam the other day on my pc. when my blueray broke on my ps3 after popping in the last of us i wanted to still game. i played through amnesia the dark descent and figured out that i really liked playing games on my computer. i went online to check out steam because i saw threads on it here on ssf. my first game i got was pretty cool. tf2 is free to play. im sure you guys knew that already and me being new to this particular thread im quite sure youve mentioned it at some point. that is one fast paced shooter!!! i thought it was very cool but im having a problem figuring out how i want my controls to be so needless to say im getting OWNED. anyone else playing this right now?