Terrible, but I'm not shocked. But then, I don't think McMahon cares about taste/the political correctness of anything unless it affects his bottom line. He is a guy who once tag teamed with his son against Shawn Michaels and God, after all. And Vince and son won!

I do remember the "Crock" Triple H routine.
You make a fair point, and I think there are exceptions when the potential risk is too high to judge someone one face value alone (you wouldn't use a male babysitter in most cases, systems should be set up to prevent police abuse if they are racist, homophobic, on a power trip, etc.), or when those who in their public or professional lives run people down for one thing, while doing another (so, politicians being those frequently who do things like sleep around but claim marriage is a sacred thing, preachers who use drugs and whores, etc.), because there are cases where hypocrisy really matters.
But still, in the vast majority of cases, doesn't everyone deserve a private life where, so long as they aren't hurting others, they can do or think whatever the hell they want? Hopefully many of these people will learn to accept and embrace things they are ignorant or biased about, but if they are vile bigots inside but can constrain their behavior to the rest of the world, then what does it matter? Don't we all repress our darker sides from time to time so that we can function in a civilized world? Battling our ids so that we aren't shunned by everyone? At what point should the ThoughtPolice step in and publicly shame us for these instincts and opinions?
Coming back to Hogan's example, he has been a public figure for over 30 years. How many times then has he done something so terribly racist that he was hurting the wellbeing of African Americans? Or even a single African American? As a wrestler, he beat down everyone, so he was an equal opportunity offender, whether he was wrestling Kamala, Tatsumi Fujinami, or Roddy Piper. Unless he totally goes off his rocker, is there any reason to think that would change in the future? If not, does his private opinion really matter? If this news never came out, and we never heard anything similarly, I don't think most would have even considered the possibility that he felt that way.
Just my opinion here. I respect alternative opinions. People are understandably offended by what he said, but I don't think any of us should have heard this to begin with.