I thought this was supposed to come with an autograph photo?
I hope BBTS gets him, will PO from there.
I hope BBTS gets him, will PO from there.
No pointy white hood?
I thought this was supposed to come with an autograph photo?
"We're all a little racist, brother. Hulkster"
He looks amazing honestly.
This could potentially be the last Hogan figure ever made. I almost wonder if it was only released because all of the work was already done on it.
WWE ceased every thing with hogan's name including action figures.
I'd love for these guys to do an Undertaker figure...
No worries. Hogan is already preparing for a final match at WM32. He will be back sooner than later.
I kinda want to get this as hulk was my fave wwf guy to watch growing up as a kid. He would always rip his shirt so awesome like
The thing that bothers me about this is the muscle body though, not sure about storm toys rep with rubber bodies. Will it last?