Your posts sometimes seem more like you work for Storm than just being their number 1 fan.
Yeah I get that alot.
Ive said this a million times in many threads that although I have met the Storm guys and spoken to them about their projects etc, plus helped others in finding the latest info from them. I do not work for them. Period.
I have always talk good and bad about everything and anything I buy and own from these 1/6 companies. The only figure I have from Storm is the Tyson one because I really like it. I dont have any other figures from their catalogue. No previous released Tysons, no Hulk etc. I know a lot about their good and bad stuff.
Though I have ordered their Bruce Lee mini statues coming in Q2. Plus have genuine interests in their upcoming Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter products.
Is it because Im the only one that can voice out with much info directly from Storm that makes me their number 1 fan? I voice out just as much info for Threezero stuff too, SHF/Figma etc etc am I their number 1 fan as well?
What exactly is your point in your reply? Is it good or is it bad? It doesnt read like a compliment if I was to think negatively about it.
What I stated were facts about buying and using rubber bodies. I have followed this thread as well as that ''other'' thread that shown this problem, and noticed many users just dont have a clue about using these bodies. Many of them treat them like a 6 inch SHF/Figma figure and go all out on them and expect them to retract back normal? The original poster only posted the picture and does not explain how the whole thing happened at all and everyone started to jump into their own conclusion. You cant have best of both worlds where you get perfect articulation and seamless bodies. Not yet that is.
Im just being neutral and stated that this happens if care is not taken into. I myself have plenty of rubber bodies and I keep them in museum poses as Im also afraid this thing will happen to my collection. Plus like I said, warnings were verbally given at the time of pick up of the figure. Exchanges were also given to customers too.
Now if I didnt say those above, would you have known about it? Am I a EXCLUSIVE no 1 fan to Storm only?
Maybe I should just dont say anything about Storm products from now on.
I'll stop ranting because any conversation can go in any direction. If you feel this way then so be it. I'll just take your comment as sarcasm.