Stranger Things (Netflix show)

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Re: Stranger Things (netflix show)

I think he means it's being pushed by people, hard.

Same thing is happening with GoT. It was a well liked show, but it became overrated when the normies made it cool.

Good thing I still got muh vikings.
Re: Stranger Things (netflix show)

Anything liked can be considered overrated.

It's a good show that is well worth the watch. A well made and acted show. And at a quick 8 episodes has zero filler. Something the Marvel shows need to work on.

Overall I do agree. Its not a bad show and I don't hate it 5/10 at best. I guess my question is why is this show jumping out of Netflix compared to others. Where is all this hype coming from. It just feels manufactured. Who's pushing all this....
Re: Stranger Things (netflix show)

It must have been that huge marketing campaign, probably. Or maybe these guys are behind the conspiracy?

Stranger Thingss.jpg

And now sarcasm mode off: the thing pushing it is word of mouth; exactly the same reason behind the sucess of movies like "Back to the future" back in the day.
Re: Stranger Things (netflix show)

I guess what I'm trying to say is that if there was no buzz, no hype and I just happened to quietly stumble across this show and watched all episodes. I don't think I would mentioned it to anyone. I would have said "that was OK" and find another show. It didn't reach that level for me to promote to others (i.e. Walking Dead, and the early Seasons of LOST
Re: Stranger Things (netflix show)

It is really just an ok show, ok to good, maybe very good at times.

But you strip down all the muh 80's nostalgia elements, and you realize it is really just an ok show :lol
Re: Stranger Things (netflix show)

Just finished watching it.
I'm also a bit mystified as to why it's getting so much buzz...
I mean, it's a fine series, but it's not very well written or acted. My guess is that the 80's nostalgia is hitting hard.
But yeah, it's just a fun series to watch, not very intelligent, but a nice series.
Re: Stranger Things (netflix show)

Just finished watching it.
I'm also a bit mystified as to why it's getting so much buzz...

I was about to agree when...
but it's not very well written or acted, not very intelligent
wut? :lol

The story may be "weak" and it may have the meme 80's thing going on, but the script is almost airtight, the performances are almost perfect, and it has better sci-fi than most sci-fi TV shows out there.

It may have other problems but those there ain't.
Re: Stranger Things (netflix show)

I just finished this the other day, ****ing loved it, it's my favorite show on netflix and it's personally giving Breaking Bad and Mad Men a run for my favorite show. I don't think I've ever watched 8 episodes so fast in my life, I'll be watching this again next week, can't wait. Hopefully if they do season 2 it can come close to being as great as season 1.
Re: Stranger Things (netflix show)

I was about to agree when...

wut? :lol

The story may be "weak" and it may have the meme 80's thing going on, but the script is almost airtight, the performances are almost perfect, and it has better sci-fi than most sci-fi TV shows out there.

It may have other problems but those there ain't.

Maybe it's just that I couldn't really warm up to the kids, they just didn't strike me as particularly good kid actors.

As for the writing, there were too many head-scratching moments for me.
For example: how were the bad guys able to make an exact replica of a missing kid in such a short period of time? One so perfect that a grown man had to cut it up to make sure?
How did they get all the details right? The size, the proportions?
And then, why did the chief not go with that information to the press? Why keep it to himself?

And there were quite a few moments like that.

I enjoyed it, but it doesn't seem that well written to me...
Re: Stranger Things (netflix show)

For example: how were the bad guys able to make an exact replica of a missing kid in such a short period of time? One so perfect that a grown man had to cut it up to make sure? How did they get all the details right? The size, the proportions?
It wasn't perfect, that was even a plot point that nobody was to be allowed to get close to the doll because it didn't look like the kid.

Not even the camera gets close enough, there's a purpose behind that, to make the mom look crazy that she can't accept the death of her kid despite having a body, also, it was supposed to be a drowned body, drowned bodies are pale and swollen, so they didn't need to get an accurate replica of the kid or anything, just make a doll that looked like a drowned body and keep anyone from looking closely.

And then, why did the chief not go with that information to the press? Why keep it to himself?
With what proof?

And there were quite a few moments like that.
There really aren't, there's just one that I could catch, Nancy and Johnathan splitting in the woods, I didn't catch anything else, and I was watching pretty closely.

I enjoyed it, but it doesn't seem that well written to me...
But, based on what you wrote, it isn't badly written, those are things that escaped you, not problems in the script :lol
Re: Stranger Things (netflix show)

I agree that the 'body' was weird, but let's assume that the gov't has access to talented people 30 years ago that could pull it off using photographs. On top of that, the govt types kept all the usual people at arm's length, cause they knew it would not hold up on serious scrutiny . If anything, the filmmakers only mistake was making the fake body look too good. They should have had it look intentional fake upon close viewing
Re: Stranger Things (netflix show)

If anything, the filmmakers only mistake was making the fake body look too good.
When? You never get a good look at it until the Chief sneaks into the morgue.

They should have had it look intentional fake upon close viewing
I don't see why it should look intentionally fake, it should look real, just not look like the kid, which is why the mom wasn't convinced and the Chief had to cut if to be sure.

Plus, other people would be handling it, it had to look real.
Re: Stranger Things (netflix show)

When? You never get a good look at it until the Chief sneaks into the morgue.

Exactly, that part. I would have filmed the scene of the real kid being dragged out of the lake, to show the audience that yes, kid is dead. Then not show it at all again until that part. Have the head/face look good, but the rest would have looked off......would have been a creepier moment imo
Re: Stranger Things (netflix show)

I don't know, I think they handled it perfectly imo.

There are a few other scenes I would "fix" but not the ones regarding the body. Like the one where Nancy and Johnathan get split in the woods, they're smart kids they wouldn't do something dumb like that, it felt like a cliché of 80's slasher films, maybe it was part of the "homage" :lol
Re: Stranger Things (netflix show)

By the way, as they were going for the 80's feeling and therefore trying to avoid CGI as much as possible, the fake body is of course....well...a "real" fake body. And yes, it took almost a month to produce something of that level of quality. Also, for some weird reason the Duffer brothers thought that it would be fun to surprise the mother of the actor playing Will with the fake corpse of her son

Luckily for them it seems that she took well their twisted joke :lol:
Re: Stranger Things (netflix show)

Nah, I don't think anything "escaped" me, it's just not that well written.
Take for instance the fact that the "body" was dragged out of the lake, and it had the exact clothes Will had. How the hell did they (the bad guys) know what clothes he was wearing? Yeah, sure, the mom gave the police a description of how he was dressed, but that's not enough to get the clothes right. And how do you keep a grieving family from the body of their dearly beloved? There's no reasonable explanation for that, and the show just glosses over it.
And how did they know about the shape and size of the birthmark? Even if the mom told them about it, how would they know exactly where it was placed, and what shape it was? Yeah, I know, they never got close to the body, but again, back to my earlier point, there's no reason on earth they could've kept the family away.

Again, I enjoyed it, but there's no reason to defend its shortcomings. Every show has them, we just choose which ones to accept based on how much we enjoy said show.
Re: Stranger Things (netflix show)

Nah, I don't think anything "escaped" me, it's just not that well written.
Take for instance the fact that the "body" was dragged out of the lake, and it had the exact clothes Will had. How the hell did they (the bad guys) know what clothes he was wearing?
Like this.
Yeah, sure, the mom gave the police a description of how he was dressed, but that's not enough to get the clothes right.
They didn't need to get the clothes exactly right, just that they looked good enough from afar, which was the entire plot point to begin with, they removed them in the morgue anyway.

And how do you keep a grieving family from the body of their dearly beloved? There's no reasonable explanation for that, and the show just glosses over it.
there's no reason on earth they could've kept the family away.
By putting glass or a payed state police officer between them? Why do they need an explanation? They're the CIA, they can do whatever they want. Make up whatever bs bureaucratic delay so they can't get the body.

And how did they know about the shape and size of the birthmark? Even if the mom told them about it, how would they know exactly where it was placed, and what shape it was? Yeah, I know, they never got close to the body, but again, back to my earlier point,
This is ambiguos, but I don't think it had the birthmark, or at least not the correct one, and that's why the mom freaked out because it wasn't Will, you don't see that since the camera follows Johnathan when he leaves the morgue immediately after the mom asks to see the birthmark.

Again, I enjoyed it, but there's no reason to defend its shortcomings. Every show has them, we just choose which ones to accept based on how much we enjoy said show.
Sure it has shortcomings, just not the ones you mentioned, those are not script problems, that's stuff that did escape you.

The problems have more to do with it being vanilla and predictable, nothing major in the structure of the script, IIRC I gave it a 7.
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Re: Stranger Things (netflix show)

I don't know, I think they handled it perfectly imo.

There are a few other scenes I would "fix" but not the ones regarding the body. Like the one where Nancy and Johnathan get split in the woods, they're smart kids they wouldn't do something dumb like that, it felt like a cliché of 80's slasher films, maybe it was part of the "homage" :lol

Personally, Nancy is book smart but at that point of the show, she was not very street smart......I dunno, but yeah, I would have no problem had they been a little more 'with it' during that part.

And during the episode, 'The Body' I was annoyed, as the audience, that they did not show the body as soon as it was dragged from the lake. I know that the mom was not wrong, but a little more 'what the hell?' to it would have been nice

On a side note, has there every been a show that everyone loved? Not to my knowledge....sorry some of you don't like it as much. For me, its a fun show. It's not the second coming or anything....