Streetfighter IV

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yeah, I hate those combos so much. So easy to do, yet so damaging at the same time. Chun is easy to tag with dragon punches, so I've actually gotten much better at not being a jumpwhore against Ryu in order to avoid those... but at the same time, getting good at reading the fireball spammers almost made me weaker at playing against a Ryu who rushes and uses real up-close techniques, since I'm just not anticipating that fight style. :banghead

And, Nash, I agree that I really do need a stick. It's pretty easy to see who's using one online based on how players control their characters.

Yeah man a stick will improve your game significantly. The first few days will be frustrating cos you are gonna have to get used to the arrangement of the buttons and the stick. I think Chun Li is a very formidable fighter. her poking and kicking range is very good. I hate it when Chun fighters dont attack, just anticipating for my jump in while they execute the jump up heavy. The range of her jumping spilt is ridiculous on either side.

Seriously, while I think Dan is a formidable fighter in the right hands, his lack of weapons really the reason why he is in his tier of his own.
Hey Scarlet, since you are a Dan user, did you know this?

"Sagat also has connections with Dan, as it was Dan's father, Go, who took Sagat's eye before Sagat killed him in a match. As is the case with many of the other classic characters, Sagat still knows his techniques from the early Street Fighter games and he can be a brutal fighter in the ring"

You and I should have a Dan v Sagat grudge match:naughty:naughty:naughty

It's interesting how an incident like that didn't make Dan a much darker fighter...

Yeah bro, I've read that on Wiki if I'm not wrong. His light Dan Kick is extremely similar to sagat's Tiger knee.

Are you a great Sagat fighter? If so, you'll defo trash me. I've defeated some okay Sagats(about 3k range) but I'm always not very optimistic when fighting him. Dan's jump is very heavy unlike Ryu and Ken's which is very bouncy instead. I have to time my jumps to perfection to punish Tiger Shots.
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Yeah but it comes with a price. Ryu's FADC into ultra isnt very strong, the tradeoff is that it is very easy to connect.

Ken's FADC from start to finish is decently strong but when you FADC only the fire-dragon shoryu will connect which is extremely weak.

Yeah his FADC to ultra is pretty weak but Ryu will always have the adv of being able to store both metsu and shinku hadoukens for insurance.
I'm just more careful these days. Whenever Ryu have his ultra stocked up, I'll jump in more carefully.

Yeah, Ken's Shinryuken's damage is just wow regardless if it's a cancelled or just flat out exceution due to his ridiculous range.
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Nope its a awesome move and isnt easy to do when playing top players.

Yeah, it's not so easy for Gouken to throw as he's not really fast. It's pretty "cheap" but experience will tell you that if Gouken has revenge meter stocked up, dont come too close.
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Anyone hope they'll add new characters to DLC? I know he once said no to the idea, but if theres $$ to be made, I don't think the idea is fully closed.

They can charge $5 per character. I'm hoping 8 more characters from all the other incarnations of SF.

2.Dee Jay-SFII

and special "dead" characters
8.Mr. Karate!!! Dan's Dad!!

I'l gladly pay $5 each or $35 for the whole DLC cast.
2.Dee Jay-SFII

and special "dead" characters
8.Mr. Karate!!! Dan's Dad!!

I'l gladly pay $5 each or $35 for the whole DLC cast.

I'd like some Ibuki and Mokoto since they're different enough from the cast of IV :D but I doubt they'll add more characters :monkey2
I got into the Championship leaderboards today :chew:chew

bloody hell it wasn't no cakewalk and each of my opponents were real fiends. My semi-final, funny enough, was against Dan. This guy was really, really good... plus he constantly taunted [the one where Dan shows u his backside and taps it twice], it was so annoying!!! I won, in 3 rounds but I had to throw everything at this guy and the kitchen sink:monkey3

Finals was against Ryu and he was good as well: but suffice to say I won eventually, but it also went to 3 rounds...

On another note I was so frustrated earlier on as I got to a previous finals and the guy the was Gief.. now what's interesting is that I'd played this guy before in a finals and I'd beaten him perfect :naughty:naughty:naughty

So mid-way through first round the whole game disconnects and I got dumped back to the main menu and lose all my CP... my 360 almost froze infact, this had never happened to me!!! Obviously he disconnected but he denied it :rolleyes:
Tell what really helped me though, on SRK we were talking about linking Sagat's EX TU into Ultra... I thought it was a gimmick, believe me people, it is not! It's very real and it's the biggest singular game-changer I can think off, not even the FADC, High-step kick, Ultra inflicts the same level of damage. Basically If you do this:

cLK xx EX TU xx Ultra, it inflicts up to 629 damage points... considering Seth only has like 750 points, just imagine doing it against Seth [I have!] we are talking almost 85% damage. It's very, very difficult to time... and some say you have to look at the exact moment Sagat drops his shoulders, before you execute. It's easy to whiff and the punishment for whiffing is most likely instant death :lol:lol:lol but with practice it can be mastered.

That technique is insane. Sagat truly is a beast :angelsmil
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enjoy it while it lasts. i think in the next patch theyre going to balance sagat out and make some other people stronger.
enjoy it while it lasts. i think in the next patch theyre going to balance sagat out and make some other people stronger.

Awesome. I'm tired of Sagat taking 20% or so of Chun's life with a single TU :monkey2

Nash u sure bout this? :monkey2:monkey2

not 100% sure, and i havent frequented SRK for over a month now so im not sure what new rumblings are going on in Capcom...but from what i've gathered previously, Capcom was supposed to be working on the next patch which would include balancing out characters and possibly even add Thawk and DeeJay to the mix.
******* EL FUERTE!!!!

I just got murdered by two different players using him and all they did was constantly use the habanero dash with the splash/throw/slide. so frustrating!!! I simply cannot get out of there once they start the mix up game with those three moves.
******* EL FUERTE!!!!

I just got murdered by two different players using him and all they did was constantly use the habanero dash with the splash/throw/slide. so frustrating!!! I simply cannot get out of there once they start the mix up game with those three moves.

Yeah... In the right hand with good timing... He is Chaos to deal with. You can be ripped apart by him... Good thing he takes a lot of damage when you get time him on the ground!
El Fuerte's belly flop thing can get real annoying when spammed. its almost like a UOH once he gets you down, he can just keep knocking. I've had Fuertes pull this on me when I was winning, really annoying. Luckily as a Bison player I had EX meter and I was able to get out of that easily, that and teleport is really useful in those situations.

A good weapon against Fuerte is sticking to the ground, punishing slide whiffs or blocks, and jump back hk when he's in the air.

Any other Bisons on the freaks forum?
In G1, since you lose 5 points for every lost match, does it get to a stage where you actually get dumped back to G2, if you go negative below the 15,000GP mark?

That'll be rather disgraceful getting kicked back to G2 :horror:horror any one have thoughts on this?

The level of play in G1 is extremely competitive, sometimes insanely so... I like it a lot as I was sick of fighting players [in G2] that just wanted to win. It's not like I don't want to win, but the fight itself -- and my technique-- is very important to me.

I use Sagat and guys like Mago and Ojisanboy, for me, are artists; watching them play and comparing every single move I make to their game has helped me improve immensely.

I think that in SFIV, no matter how good you are, watching the best players in the world play and especially analyzing the matchups with the characters that trouble you the most,would really lift your game...
El Fuerte's belly flop thing can get real annoying when spammed. its almost like a UOH once he gets you down, he can just keep knocking. I've had Fuertes pull this on me when I was winning, really annoying. Luckily as a Bison player I had EX meter and I was able to get out of that easily, that and teleport is really useful in those situations.

A good weapon against Fuerte is sticking to the ground, punishing slide whiffs or blocks, and jump back hk when he's in the air.

Any other Bisons on the freaks forum?

Mate, how you tried watching any Bison v El Fuerte matchups? I don't think [from the recent tornaments] that any of the best players use either dictator or Fuerte, but there should be some helpful matchups on youtube :monkey3

I dont use dictator and my technique for beating fuerte with Sagat is quite different: After the first couple of double roundhouse kicks as he's airborne, my fuerte opponents would usually re-consider the air spamming thing :D
The level of play in G1 is extremely competitive, sometimes insanely so...

How's the character variation in G1? Is it mainly top-teir characters or do you see some lower tier guys thrown in? I'm really getting tired of going against shotokans, blankas and balrogs in G2, and I really enjoy getting beat by a skilled lower tier character. I just went against a Fei-Long player who had such good timing for his combos and counters. I could barely get a hit in, but in no way was he cheap. It was pretty refreshing, especially since most of my games today were filled with constant throwers.
Yeah. While I agree that throwing is a part of the game but some really try to make throwing the main part of their game.

Jump hk, throw
jump hk, lp, throw
Jump in after yours, instead of hitting, they go for the throw

Do it twice, 3 times fine, but they often do it 5 times per round and at times more. I swear certain games I have to occupy myself with teching a throw rather than concentrating on my offence.

I wouldnt mind the skilled throws like fADC to throw as it eats up 2 EX.

But boy......

I'm still at 2800bp on ranked with 90% using Dan. I occasionally use Ken to counter hondas, Guiles, Sagats and the likes tho.

I cant stand people who dc on me. Esp when i'm using Dan. FFS it's DAN!

I went againts a 3000bp plus Sagat a few days ago. A Tiger shot spammer as usual. Lost 1 game and won the next. The third game was a breeze as I read his game. thrashed him on the first round and about to finish him off on the second. He was dizzied and had about 150hp left and I moved in for the kill. Guess what... DC...
That explains his 10% dc rate and his 3000plus bp.:rolleyes:
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I totally agree, Scarlet. I don't mind occasional throws because I incorporate them into my game as well (e.g., after a missed dragon punch; after chun's jumping double hp, crouch hp, cancel into medium spinning bird kick), but if the majority of damage you inflict is caused by throws, there's something seriously wrong with your play technique.

Had a game against a Cammy player, and all he did were the three combos you listed, as well as just walking up and throwing (in fact, he did a walk up throw three times in a row). I was RAGING. I did manage to beat him, but of course he DCed on me, which made me rage even more. :banghead:banghead:banghead

You should play championship instead of ranked. The earning of CP/GP is more rewarding IMO, especially since you dont lose a ridiculous amount of points for losing to a player with low GP.