Mr. EcKo
OG Freak
Whether he was in the right or not during his rant, he makes some really good points in this video.
Having seen the original video and post interviews, and while Jeff Bliss may have gone about this the wrong way, I think he made really good points and honestly does sound like someone who cares about his education and that of others. I think we've all had the teacher he described. So many students would be complacent, or even happy that they have an easy teacher, but the truth is an easy teacher (or one who just gives out packets) isn't challenging or benefiting their students in any way.
Most teachers I've had read the lesson when we get in class, tell us our assignment, hand it out, then get on their computers and listen to music/read the news/leave the classroom to go chat with other teachers doing the same thing/ is true that some kids are terrible to deal with, But I had teachers and college professors like that. People that couldn't give a crap about teaching. They were just collecting a paycheck.
I also had teachers that were awesome, and made you want to go to their class. Teachers that cared.
I know he was disrespectful, but seeing that video reminded me of the times my time and money were wasted on professors that didn't care.
He certainly isn't acting like one.
18 and still in high school? Model student.![]()
Why argue about age, education, or even the fact that he is talking back to his teacher? He is standing up for what he believes in and if he thinks that the teacher is doing a half *** job then I respect him for voicing his opinion. It's HIS education after all.
Christ, why don't you guys read the story before you make your opinions?
We've all been students and had one or more teachers that we weren't too thrilled with, but how many of us have stepped into a teacher's shoes? I think if anything we could try and remove or balance out some of the bias.
We've all been students and had one or more teachers that we weren't too thrilled with, but how many of us have stepped into a teacher's shoes? I think if anything we could try and remove or balance out some of the bias.
How many of you guys are teachers? Hands? Hands? anyone? Then don't comment like you know what's what until you are. It's a very challenging, draining job. For every kid who cares about their education you have 20 who could care less and if it isn't Minecraft, Xbox or something else then it's not worth their time.