Student Goes Off At Teacher About Education

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:lol pretty funny how you say you cant come to a conclusion and you then instantly came to a conclusion and then backed off of that conclusion you just came to .... even tho you cant come to a conclusion .... :lol

I said looks I didn't say IS. Maybe your teacher didn't help you in school? :lol

I did come to the conclusion that he is a jerk off. Regardless of the situation there is a way to handle yourself. Being a disruption is not the solution. I can't stand disrespectful kids.
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yeah. So just screw all of the other kids that are trying to learn.
Lets just give up cause its difficult and truly flush this country's future down the toilet. :dump
I guess our adult teachers have the same work ethic and drive as the students.

the kids that want to learn will. they will take their future seriously and they will get good grades. perhaps even get a college degree. the ones that don't want to learn will make excuses, they will disrupt other students who truly want to learn, and in the end they will fail, in class and in life. not every one is a winner.

I said looks I didn't say IS. Maybe your teacher didn't help you in school? :lol

I can tell you like politics :lol

Being a disruption is not the solution. I can't stand disrespectful kids.
completely agree...

the kids that want to learn will. they will take their future seriously and they will get good grades. perhaps even get a college degree. the ones that don't want to learn will make excuses, they will disrupt other students who truly want to learn, and in the end they will fail, in class and in life. not every one is a winner.

very true. And that student who wants to learn may start by standing up and walking out of a class thats driven by a loser teacher.
but the more passive students that want to learn will not. They will sit there and try to teach themselves Algebra thru packets, struggle, fail. ..... aaaaand its their lazy fault .... :monkey1
Based on the video we know nothing about the teacher except that she keeps her cool pretty well. :lol What he says is true to a point, but ultimately I think he comes off as displacing some larger personal issues and laying them at his teacher's feet.
How are the students the authority on whether the teacher is performing well or not? He's blaming the packets, but is that all she does? Does he look at the packet, decide it's not good enough and then dismiss it outright? On what basis did he come to that conclusion? The fact that he's already fully educated?

This brings to light standardized testing. Many teachers reject it out of hand as a poor indication of student performance, but how else are they going to be held accountable for their own performance?

Are kids like this are the best way of judging them? :dunno
pretty funny how we all agree nobody can really place blame due to lack of information, but then we all obviously lean in one direction or the other to insinuate where the blame does lie. :lol
No kidding. :lol

I was a good student. Modern teenagers drive me nuts. I couldn't stand school administrators back then. I can't stand entitled brats now. I'm torn, actually. I want to agree with the kid, but something gets in the way.
I'm torn, actually. I want to agree with the kid, but something gets in the way.

his hesitation when he gets to the door and feels the need to go on about it, is what makes me lean to the douche side....

obviously Im a little biased from having several of those lazy "shows up to collect a check" teachers.
I remember explaining geometry problems to my teacher after they insisted the course book was wrong.
That student is pretty typical of a fair amount of kids. As a teacher its my job to make sure my kids learn. I do my best to make the information intertersting so they want to learn it but the door has to be open. If they're not willing to accept the information and take some initiative it becomes very difficult to teach. You also get lots of kids that they already know how to do it but five seconds later ask for help.

Edit: It would also help if parents today taught their kids more respect and took some ownership in their childs behavior instead of just blaming the schools for all the issues.
That student is pretty typical of a fair amount of kids. As a teacher its my job to make sure my kids learn. I do my best to make the information intertersting so they want to learn it but the door has to be open. If they're not willing to accept the information and take some initiative it becomes very difficult to teach. You also get lots of kids that they already know how to do it but five seconds later ask for help.

good for you. And thanks for not giving up on the kids who want to learn when it becomes difficult. :yess:
good for you. And thanks for not giving up on the kids who want to learn when it becomes difficult. :yess:

I can't give up on them. They may frustrate the living hell out of me but I'm not giving up on them. I just talk with them all the time about being open to learning and that every bit of info is important in one way or another. I teach at an alternative school and have been cussed out more times this year than all my years in life combined. Some of these kids are opening the doors to learning but the sad thing is so many of them have no interest in being someone who can achieve something. It breaks my heart.
My wife teaches 4th grade and deals with kids with major attitude problems even at that age. I couldn't do it. No freaking way. I'd get fired. :lol
his hesitation when he gets to the door and feels the need to go on about it, is what makes me lean to the douche side....

obviously Im a little biased from having several of those lazy "shows up to collect a check" teachers.
I remember explaining geometry problems to my teacher after they insisted the course book was wrong.

That's got to be frustrating as hell. Most of my teachers were pretty animated, but there were only about 1600 kids in my high school. I don't have a clue when it comes to bigger schools.
A lot of kids at the high school level are entitled, disrespectful, self centered, and apathetic.
Not to get into the blame game, but a lot of this, and i'm a parent of 3, begins at home. The reasons for this type student behavior read like a laundry list. Group homes,broken homes, single families, parents working 2-3 jobs, etc...
If people out there only knew what teachers deal on a daily basis, they'd hold they're tongue when criticizing teachers' job performances based on some asinine standardized test scores.
Are there bad teachers? of course. Like in any profession or job out there. But the majority that go into teaching sure as hell don't do it for the money. Its a tough profession that burns many out.
This brings to light standardized testing. Many teachers reject it out of hand as a poor indication of student performance, but how else are they going to be held accountable for their own performance?

Standardized test scores are an unfair way to judge teacher performance for one primary reason. They dont take into consideration factors that are beyond the teachers control.
The issue of student socio-economic status is completely ignored when this issue of standardized test results is brought up. It's not hard to comprehend why test scores in a school in a more affluent neighborhood are better than one that is not. Yet this is never a factor when comparing the disparity of test results in between schools.
Why is this GINORMOUS factor never brought up? because that would require us to find a solution to the disparity of wealth found throughout our country. Look at the real issues at hand. It's about money and power and those who wish to have it at the expense of others.
There's an inherent flaw in your thought process if you believe that money (and the power that it creates) is made at the expense of others. A country this rich didn't get through exploitation and theft. Money has never fixed schools in poor areas, and I doubt it ever will.
I didn't watch the video, but will side with the right wingers on this one, whatever their opinion is on whatever the issue is up for debate here.