Super Freak
kinda. More like:
..with a bit of:

..with a bit of:

I can't remember if it was Pew Research that conducted the polling, but most Trump supporters favor a Muslim ban, and over 60% believe that the President was born elsewhere and is a practicing Muslim. There's also some pretty disturbing statistics on how most of them view blacks (somewhere around 30% of them believe that it was a mistake to end slavery). In general, the views held by the majority of his supporters aren't reflective of the Republican Party as a whole (most, including myself, stayed away from the Primaries). Point being: I think the underlying problem with the optics of his base supporters is far greater than the alt-right Internet trolls.
While I didn't personally favor Cruz, to his credit, he never had this kind of problem. And neither did any other candidate, for that matter.
you guys remember that squirrel girl i posted before? the girl that thought she was a squirrel?
she has a vegan dog. some of her blog posts were about her being mad that her dog refused to eat his veggies.
maybe. humans are not really meant to be vegans (people can be vegans but our systems are not design to be that way only)
you can be vegetarian but eat eggs and milk and cheese. my neighbor is vegetarian but he eats burritos with cheese (no meat) or veggie lasagna.
i think he used to eat fish once a month. full, raw vegan could even make you sick if you dont take vitamins. your hair can even start to fall.
Eating meat in America can be bad though, too much hormones, too much added to them. If you could eat pure meat straight from the farm then there would be no problem. It's not even the meat that's the problem but the way it is produced and what they feed the cow. Chickens are fed stuff too. The ideal thing would be to find "organic" but a lot of times they lie, or it is very expensive.
How the heck do people still have auto accident when there is not a lot of traffic. Such a bad intersection. People can't drive.
Never had public school driver's ed around here. Still getting worse.