Show any objective observer the SS Supergirl and the SS Power Girl, then ask him/her "while both superheroine characters are designed to have sex appeal, which one of these two suggests 'bimbo' more?" You can wait for the answer, Josh, but most of us know it already. While the bare midriff costume is clearly an attempt to be satisfy buyers who want a little extra sexiness, it's obvious that SS was going for the girl-next-door route with the persona they've aimed for, both in the initial rendering of our fresh-faced heroine and in the prototype (even Streaky the cat adds to the innocent-sweetness factor). Just as their recent WW portrait went "off-model" facially to be realistic rather than overly sexy or glamorous (risking and getting all those "she looks like man!" complaints in the process), SS opted to give Supergirl a little dignity and realism, aiming to create an attractive and smart young woman that can be admired by females looking for a role model, in addition to t & a-obsessed fanboys. You can criticize the results of their Supergirl-next-door portrait, but not the intent.