There is a difference between lying and biased. Lying is the act of deception to say something you neither believe is true, and know is false. Biased mean you have a preference that doesn't allow you to be detached when viewing a piece of art, and usually ends up with you factoring a piece on principle not based on what your eyes tell you. Does ink have a bias towards Sideshow??? Well he is a moderator on the "sideshowcollectors" page; ummmm duh of course he loves their product. I bet he even has friends who work there. So I can't blame him for favouring them. Hell I am an SSC fanboy, and I will own that. However, there are just as many guys here biased towards XM as there are biased towards SSC. if this was an XM piece there would be a dozen guys falling all over themselves to praise it, and they would probably be going on and on about the new "space saving" base for her. In the end this piece isn't perfect, but I would say with a nice switchouts head she may be able to be a grail down the road.
in the end there are way to many ****ing puck bunnies in this hobby who can't judge a piece based on its merit. It is something I can usually do, even with SSC, but so many are just so scarred of making waves with certain companies that they don't dare say a unkind word as they are afraid the statue mafia will come and get them. Ink just isn't afraid to say how he feels.