Super Freak
Looks like he has a tic.
just saw this on mego board ,made me laff thought it might raise a smile or two here
These pics look much better....
(Found a link to this page from the Batman-News website),
The part where the cape attaches still looks a little weird, but it looks much better to me than that first shot. It's pretty bad when on-set pics look better than an official publicity still.
That cape design is the worst. Looks like a five year old made it
Now these new pics remind me of a young Bruce Campbell playing Supes![]()
Yeah, I'm not sure what purpose the straps at the top serve. I think if the top of the cape itself fed into the gold colored pieces, it would look okay, but those weird looking straps at the top are just distracting. I hope the design gets revised some, at least as the season progresses.
Is it true that he's got a big butt?
Yup, THICC Supes.