Superman (July 11th, 2025)

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I'm already straining my credulity to breaking point with the idea of aliens looking like human beings [its why I always preferred the alternative origin of Kryptonians being future humans escaping heat death by going to the past but being trapped in a stable time loop meaning they have to accept their demise with Krypton]
But for some reason the idea that Krypton also evolved its own version of golden retrievers is just too far for me.

Can I say something I've been sitting on for a while?
I'm not into Gunns style and I thought his Suicide Squad movie was overhyped to ****.
Its a pretty simple formula - zany hijinks + graphic [or at least suggestive] violent sequences with a dissonant background soundtrack + one or two heartfelt scenes to counterbalance the sardonic quippy tones = Gunn.
Its not a bad formula, but fairly distracting when you catch on.
The Suicide Squad is just okay - and Peacemaker is outright good - but neither of them blew my mind.

The one thing this movie has going for it that has me excited is its cast.
I actually like his Suicide Squad movie (I liked Ayer’s too, killl me.) And I like GotG 1 & 3, 2 is terrible. He’s a good filmmaker but something like Supes, let alone the whole DC franchise being in his style is worrisome.
Ahh.. A true Batman fan, just because Batman is in a movie does *not* make it a batman movie. :duff
Well affleck never got his stand-alone film tbh.

Come on, between the Nolan films, the DCEU films, Keaton's return and Pattison's rise, there's been like 10 Batman movies in less than 20 years, that's a Batman appearance every 2 years. And I didn't even count the other appearances like Suicide Squad and Lego Movie.

3? There were 3 movies of Nolan's Batman alone. How many Affleck movies? Plus The Batman. Plus, The Flash. All in less than 20 years. That's crazy.
Spider-Man is up there too. Between 2007 and 2017 he was in 5 movies but also with 3 separate actors/universes.
Come on, between the Nolan films, the DCEU films, Keaton's return and Pattison's rise, there's been like 10 Batman movies in less than 20 years, that's a Batman appearance every 2 years. And I didn't even count the other appearances like Suicide Squad and Lego Movie.

The ones that bombed were Batman Returns, B&R, JL and The Flash.

BvS and SS actually did not bomb it just didn’t make the 15 billion that WB so desperately needed.

Bring back Snyder lol

Rebel Robin!
I’ve been a big James Gunn fan throughout his entire directing career. I thought “Super” was great. Really enjoyed “Slither” and all three of his “Guardians of the Galaxy” movies.

But so far on his DC Universe stuff, it just seems to me like it’s been a series of missteps, going all the way back to the botched first announcement that tanked the box office of the last 4 DCEU movies.

I don’t think it’s fair to judge a movie that’s not out yet just based on set photos, but at the same time, those photos are concerning. They’re terrible. And perhaps even more concerning is the fact that the first officially released photo of Superman is also generally considered to be so bad that it’s been the butt of numerous online jokes and memes.

I hope when the movie comes out, I can look back at my posts and say “well, I really got that one wrong.” I’m not actively rooting for James Gunn to fail. I want him to make a good Superman movie. But everything I’ve seen so far just looks bad.
A crime. But do we really think it would have been on Par with Reeves? Maybe… it could have been extremely close to what a lot of Batman fans wanted.
Hmmm I don’t know. After mos and bvs I didn’t like the direction the universe was going. Also there was leto joker who sucked hard.

The only thing I liked about batfleck was the suit
Hmmm I don’t know. After mos and bvs I didn’t like the direction the universe was going. Also there was leto joker who sucked hard.

The only thing I liked about batfleck was the suit
Yup best suit ever


Is he actually jumping there?

Anyway, late to the discussion again.
Uhm... so I suppose the dorky Clark Kent persona was established long ago in the comics? Never really liked it, not even way back then in CR's movies. At the tender age of 10 or 11, I still found them a bit silly and not really super. Let's put it this way: I never wanted to have a Superman dolly, and the movie didn't make me want one. I suppose that's the reason why I don't quite get people's obsession with CR's Supes. I think I appreciate them (the first two at least) now more than I did back then. As pieces of cinema history, and understanding the era they were from. Kinda like loving the old Harryhausen movies, or the '33 King Kong. Where the dialogue is cheesy, some of the acting might not be the greatest, etc., but you can still appreciate the movies for what they are.
But I digress.
The suit doesn't look that bad in open shots, but the other villains or whatever they are, look like crap. So...

Anyway, what comic is this based on? Might look it up, don't think I've read it.
BvS and SS actually did not bomb it just didn’t make the 15 billion that WB so desperately needed.

Thank you Jye.

There seemed to be the "logic" that a movie with both Batman and Superman should make twice as much. But $800m was quite respectable (especially with the "alien" concept of Batman fighting Superman).

Also people tend to gloss over the fact BB made less than SR.

Uhm... so I suppose the dorky Clark Kent persona was established long ago in the comics?

Nah, it was Reeve who brought the dorkiness. The comic-book Clark was just serious and boring. He had moments of haplessness though.
Nah, it was Reeve who brought the dorkiness. The comic-book Clark was just serious and boring. He had moments of haplessness though.
Wow, clever on Reeve's part, it works very well in the movie, but overall I'm not a fan of the idea. I kinda liked Cavill's serious journalist, trying to make a difference.