Super Freak
Listening to some Kryptonian gangsta rap.

Listening to some Kryptonian gangsta rap.
An excellent choice sir.
Listening to some Kryptonian gangsta rap.
Looks great up there!
lol great pics mate now do some washing!
Looks great up there!
They do look great up there. Like they are watching over the house or something.
He has arrived and he is amazing. When I first got Batman I thought he was big and he is, but Superman is massive. These two busts complement each other perfectly. Now I have a reason to go to the laundry room more often.
It's bigger.
TheHULK, everything looks great, classy setup you got there!
I can't wait for my Supes now to join "The Bat!"
Tough call. I think I can swing buying one, but not the other. I want a LSB...decisions decisions.
Really not liking the house, nor DC comics...