Superman line from Mattel

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Re: 1/6 Superman line from Mattel?

Not sure whether to be excited (finally seeing 1/6 figures) or depressed that Mattel is making them.

I guess as long as the outfits are solid and likeness is okay we could have a winner with some work.

Thats what I am thinking with maybe a body switch. Hopefully,like you said, the outfits will be solid. The headsculpt is actually pretty good.
Re: 1/6 Superman line from Mattel?

There were a few scenes where the light would reflect off of certain areas of their costumes and it would look reddish..... this is a bit extreme but who cares! A 1:6 Reeve Superman is right up there at the top of my wish list! Whoo hoooo!!!

Mine as well! :cool:
Re: 1/6 Superman line from Mattel?

Looks good. I hope they put out the Reeves.
Re: 1/6 Superman line from Mattel?

Man, this is a great show. Kick ass Joe figues and some good hints towards a 12" Superman The Movie line!!


Make it so number one!!

Would have been better if Hot Toys got the license.
Re: 1/6 Superman line from Mattel?

That Zod Sculpt is dead on..The customs guys will do some breathtaking custom Zod figures with that head ,I'm sure.
Re: 1/6 Superman line from Mattel?

Hot Toys can and possibly do have the licence. They already made figures from The Dark Knight at the same time as DC Direct, same thing with Watchmen.
Re: 1/6 Superman line from Mattel?

Wow....that is outstanding for Mattel....I am really shocked. The sculpt and paint are about SSC quality for their prototypes. The body leaves a little to be desired from these shots especially because the neck is so plain and looks more so after the really detailed facesculpt, I can't wait to see the Reeve sculpts.

The thing with HT is that they are always on holding patterns from DCD. DCD wanted to release their TDK figures first and have them out for a bit before HT announced and released theirs. Same with Watchmen although the holding pattern was a lot longer for Watchmen then TDK. I would say any eventual or possible HT announcement would probably have to wait until DCD decided whether or not to do one in their 13" formatting.

The fact that other companies are making 12" figures though or figures in general bodes well for HT.
Re: 1/6 Superman line from Mattel?

I'm curious as to the occasion.Superman Cinemaquette,Mattel 1/6,don't get me wrong,I'm EXTREMELY loving the fact that the Reeve Superman franchise is finally getting the plastic(or Resin)treatment,but I'm wondering why they didn't save the stuff for an anniversary or something.
Re: 1/6 Superman line from Mattel?

My first thought is red tape. I'm sure things would want to be done for Anniversaries but crossing the "T"s and dotting the "I"s probably held it up. I'm imagining that anything Burton 89 Batman related was really pushed to be out this year but wouldn't be surprised if we saw it from Mattel or even HT in the years to come.
Re: 1/6 Superman line from Mattel?

Well,we can hope that these older licences will get some high-end treatments considering that back in the 70's/80's there probably wasn't anything resembling a modern day 1/6 scale.
Re: 1/6 Superman line from Mattel?

That Zod sculpt gives hopes for a pretty good Reeve.
Re: 1/6 Superman line from Mattel?

If I can get Zod, Superman and Ursa out of this I will be a happy camper.
Re: 1/6 Superman line from Mattel?

Hmm, for a major toymaker that's a pretty impressive figure. Better than those old Hasbro Star Wars 12" figures, that's for sure. It'll be interesting to see where they go with this, but it's kinda cool to see that they're experimenting with their ability to use the full DC license for whatever they want to do.
Re: 1/6 Superman line from Mattel?

I'm thrown completely by this - Is this real??
Not a mockup or custom?? Are we sure????

Oh my GOD!!!


I love it. And the red highlights on the costume are screen accurate - they just weren't so bright....

First the Cinemaquette and now this....

Re: 1/6 Superman line from Mattel?

Does not look great, but a comic-accurate Superman suit for a 12 inch body is nice. Hopefully it is of a reasonably high quality. If so, people could switch out the body, repaint the head (or use another Reeves head), and possibly make a decent kit-bashed Supes.

Why can't Hot Toys do a Reeves Supes? :monkey2