"SUPERNATURAL" scuplts by Nek74!

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Thanks guys! I appreciate your comments. :)

Dean has to be the most difficult portrait I've ever attempted! He's one of those guys that looks different from picture to picture :gah:

I'm in the middle of cleaning them up and doing some minor tweaks on both of them, I'll update the pictures as soon as I can!
Re: "SUPERNATURAL" sculpts by Nek74!






Wow, these look awesome! Great work!! And I love the added little necklace you made. so sweet. :hi5:

Can't wait to see them painted up!!
It goes without saying that I am in for 1 of each sculpt and a necklace. If Nek doesn't mind when he does his update how about showing the necklace alongside the heads for a sense of scale.

I would also like to recommend Gdb for painting heads, he did a fantastic job on my Supernatural Ada heads. I need to get a couple of shots of them in decent lighting and I will upload them to his thread.


ps. bump
Really looking forward to seeing the updated work on these sculpts, looking so great, impressive work.

I'd love to purchase one of each sculpt and a necklace too please.
Im in Australia and can pay via paypal.. is this ok?
Is there a list at the moment of buyers.

Thanks guys! :)

Got your pm Steve. The bros should be shipping out during the week, possibly next Wednesday or Thursday if all goes well. I'll keep you guys posted as soon as they're ready to go out.
Yes, the Winchester heads we're shipped earlier this week! :chew


-16k (shipped)
-goldo38 (shipped)
-ifrack (shipped)
-Duck of Death (shipped)
-Steve74 (shipped)
-magickian_28 (shipped)
-William Shatner's Toupee (waiting for new address)
-dragonsleeper (shipped)

Here's a pic of the casts:

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