Rogue Trooper
Super Freak
You mean this one ?
Thats the one, really looking forward to seeing what happend there. Theres a pilot in the cockpit so the tech-com seem to still have air power and bale decked out in proper military gear.
You mean this one ?
Agreed, is good to see some respect being shown, gives me more confidence after what T3 turned into. Have been a Terminator fan since I was 6 (am 24 now) so was heartbreaking wanting to like T3 when it's a dumpheap of a film
So what made T3 so bad? Ok, Cameron's T1 and T2 were colder and more tense, but am I missing something?
I don't think we've seen or heard anything, apart from Bale's casting, to indicate that respect will be shown. I'm sure we all bought into Mostows talk of respect for T1 and T2 and look how T3 turned out. We just have to wait and see.
In the first terminator the terminator was was T-1000. T-X was just hot, not scary at all.
James Cameron said:Q. Are you involved at all in the Christian Bale production of Terminator 4?
It could be a big steaming pile or it could be brilliant. Sam Worthington is in the Avatar and the new Terminator and he likes the script, but I never saw it. There was no blessing involved.
Aaaaw UWE BOLL!!! I hate his movies!!!In part Arnold can't throw his weight around in terms of Star power.Don't get my wrong he's perfect in the role and I have every respect for what the guy accomplished but at times he doesn't seem to understand quite as much of the character as he claimed. Especially with all those awful one liners in T3 and we know how much Arnold likes to pun.
Christian Bale signing on,as an actor a definite plus. Also the guy has now moved into A-List status and wouldn't want to risk that on a bad film. He's known for taking more challenging roles.
The designs shown so far seem to tie together with what's been seen before (whereas I personally couldn't stand T3's HK's with the older design dissapearing for no reason)
McG says he's spent a lot of time discussing the whole course of the mythology with Cameron and seems to have his blessing which is also a good sign.
And it has a cameo from the late great Stan Winston. You can't show much more respect than that
Kristanna Loken just spent all of T3 doing a bad Robert Patrick impersonation. Lets face it she's not known for her acting ::coughBLOODRAYNEcough::
Aaaaw UWE BOLL!!! I hate his movies!!!
Blair Erickson said:The original script took the Alone In the Dark premise and depicted it as if it were actually based on a true story of a private investigator in the northeastern U.S. whose missing persons cases begin to uncover a disturbing paranormal secret. It was told through the eyes of a writer following Edward Carnby and his co-worker for a novel, and depicted them as real-life blue-collar folks who never expected to find hideous beings waiting for them in the dark. We tried to stick close to the H. P. Lovecraft style and the low-tech nature of the original game, always keeping the horror in the shadows so you never saw what was coming for them.
Thankfully Dr. Boll was able to hire his loyal team of hacks to crank out something much better than our crappy story and add in all sorts of terrifying horror movie essentials like opening gateways to alternate dimensions, bimbo blonde archaeologists, sex scenes, mad scientists, slimy dog monsters, special army forces designed to battle slimy CG dog monsters, Tara Reid, "Matrix" slow-motion gun battles, and car chases. Oh yeah, and a ten-minute opening back story scroll read aloud to the illiterate audience, the only people able to successfully miss all the negative reviews. I mean hell, Boll knows that's where the real scares lie
Doesn't everyone
I loved this quote from Blair Erickson who wrote the original screenplay for Alone in the Dark before Boll got his hands on it
T3 was crap.....for many reasons which I care not to get into.
I can only hope that T4 brings the series back to its true form.