Hell yeah... this is exactly what I was hoping it would be (especially if it has different head sculpts).
Now I want PICS!!!!
But it doesn't come with a giant boulder, a horse, a mine car and a motorcycle.
Hell yeah... this is exactly what I was hoping it would be (especially if it has different head sculpts).
Now I want PICS!!!!
Carl....you were gonna buy it regardless
okay no way am i typing all this again! It will take a half hour.
i will just tell you what it comes with without typing it exactly like it says.
nothing from the new movie comes with it.
it comes with 2 heads. one with a beard and one without.
a lot of stuff is leather metal and wood. and with shoelaces.
hang on now
there is only a picture of the box and the figure from raiders of the lost ark. no pictures of all the other stuff, just descriptions.
I think we all know this isn't going to be a $400 Medicom-ish Indy, which was disappointing and very toyish looking, especially that ugly hat.
The likeness will really make or break this one I think.