Tales of the New Republic???

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Looks cool to me. Really liking the trailer especially the camouflaged stormtroopers and the space scenes. I've never got into NJO or any of that post ROTJ EU so this would be all new to me. The animation looks passable which is acceptable to me as long as the storylines are good.
As for old man Mace Windu being far-fetched...... as far-fetched as Boba getting out of the Sarlaac???
If it turn sout to be official then I'm well into this, however, at the moment it doesnt look like it. Cant wait for more information.
MMMMMM I just dont know about this. The more I watch the trailer (up to about 10 times now) the more I think this is fan made or just a plain wind up. It seems very well done but the quality and style of the animation doesnt seem consistent. The Mon Mothma/C-3PO scene looks out of place and the imperial shuttle looks like lego. Yet the space scenes look very detailed, as does the scene with the camouflaged stormtroopers. Almost like the images are spliced together from different sources. The abscence of Han Solo, R2, Lando and chewbacca from the trailer also seems strange.
I'd love for it to be real...... Boba, Jedi Lea and old man Mace... hell yeah, but I'll reserve judgement until more information comes through or until Lucasfilm comments on its authenticity.
Smudger9 said:
As for old man Mace Windu being far-fetched...... as far-fetched as Boba getting out of the Sarlaac???

Yeah, old-man Mace has always seemed believable to me. (Yeah, I think about this stuff.:lol ) If a bad-ass villain had "died" like that in a movie, you'd expect him to return. Hell, I wouldn't believe that Palpatine was dead if the DS hadn't blown up after his fall.

A far less-accomplished Jedi (Luke) took as much force lightning from a more experienced Palpy and he shook it off. Why couldn't Mace have summoned enough of the Force to land and gone into hiding to heal and wait?
I think it's fan-made, but I'm not sure, and I hope I'm wrong.

All the bad animation and design, to my eye, is the very beginning stuff from the PT era.

If this was going to be a complete movie and not just a trailer, it might make sense that the lesser stuff was the bit made only for the trailer.

Fan-made or not, I hope there's more to this than just the trailer, because I like what we've seen so far.

Smudger9 said:
The absence of Han Solo, R2, Lando and chewbacca from the trailer also seems strange.

Yeah. What fans would make a movie like this and not include Han and Chewie? That there don't make no sense, y'all.
pickard said:
All the bad animation and design, to my eye, is the very beginning stuff from the PT era.

I agree with that, However, this can be explained by the fact that those scenes were made purely for the trailer and wont feature in the cartoon itself.
Wonder if this is a company trying to prove to LFL that they could handle a project. Pretty interesting approach, create a website and a bunch of hype.

Looks like a great start, and I'd watch episodes... even if they were just web only.
Smudger9 said:
The abscence of Han Solo, R2, Lando and chewbacca from the trailer also seems strange.

Han Solo is there....He takes the Stormtrooper Helmet off...and R2 is in the first few shots with Leia.
I just found out, but this is definitely Fan-Made. It was a sort of fun project from some people from DAVE school in Florida (it's a 3D animation school) so it was done by students, the animation looks kinda cheap because a lot of it was done just very recently within the last few weeks. So it most likely won't go further than the trailer, but I must say it's a good effort for just a few weeks of work.
darthviper107 said:
So it most likely won't go further than the trailer, but I must say it's a good effort for just a few weeks of work.
Damn straight! LFL should see this....Wait, I'm sure they have,...

Shame it is not official.....(yet?)
Sir Tristram said:
Han Solo is there....He takes the Stormtrooper Helmet off...and R2 is in the first few shots with Leia.

Now that you say it, I guess that is Han at 1:02.
darthviper107 said:
I just found out, but this is definitely Fan-Made. It was a sort of fun project from some people from DAVE school in Florida (it's a 3D animation school) so it was done by students, the animation looks kinda cheap because a lot of it was done just very recently within the last few weeks. So it most likely won't go further than the trailer, but I must say it's a good effort for just a few weeks of work.
The same school did an awesome Batman Minimates movie a few years back.

The voice cast included Adam West, Mark Hamill, Courtney Thorne-Smith and Dick Van Dyke. It's great fun.

Check it out here: https://www.daveschool.com/MoviePages/Batman/Screen_Batman.html

And they did an X-Men short that shipped with a boxed set of X-Men Minimates: https://www.daveschool.com/MoviePages/X-Men/X-MenViewer.htm
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