My Yari Ashigaru is on his way, really happy to get him soon!
But in the mean time, I wanted to share my latest custom creation.. I have been mentionning my intent to create a Chewbacca figure for a long time now but I couldn't really find a good way to relate him to asian culture.. Wookies don't really wear armor so most of the stylization the other figures receive from the "samurai treatment" wouldn't apply to him. Then a few days ago I had an idea. With the announcement of C3PO I decided I really wanted to create my Rebel army but I'd like them to have a different feel from the imperial troopers, while still deeply embedded in asian culture.. I thought about it, Chewbacca is basically from a species of giant evolved primates.. and bam!
That's how Monkey King Chewbacca was born. Below is a small collage of pictures of various steps during the creation process. I started from a Marvel Legends Sasquatch figure. I shaved off its hair and glued it onto the chest/chin to add a thicker layer of fur there and give him more of a "bearded" look like Chewie has in his shaggier looks. Then I used epoxy putty to sculpt a new back for the head and add strands of fur to the sides, plus a layer of fur on the face, and canines in the mouth. I repainted everything to match, then another layer of paint and wash, with blonde highlights for the lighter fur patterns reminiscent of Chewie. Then it came to the accessories..
For those unfamiliar with Sun Wukong, here's a few pictures for reference :
Google Image Results for "Sun Wukong Monkey King"
The Monkey King, Sun Wukong, is known mostly for his staff, and all his incarnations have the colors red and gold as main motifs. I gave him a wrist-mounted crossbow as a version of Chewie's bowcaster, and a quiver with the Rebel Alliance emblem on it, like his crown / headgear. The Monkey King also has a long tail, but since Wookiees don't have tails I used the sash to give him a "tail look" with the long fabric blowing in the wind.
Then I created the staff from a metal rod, Bic pen caps and some LEGO greebles. The quiver for spare crossbow bolts is an arm-cannon from a broken figure from the 80s I found in my LEGO box! I added the bandolier Chewbacca is famous for, and voila.
Below are a few more pictures in the shelf.. you'll see the size comparison to the Phasma and Cardinal figures for now, until he's joined eventually by more Rebels.
I hope you like him

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