I've finally finished working on two more Sith Lord custom figures, and I wanted to share the result with you : Darth Plagueis the Wise and his young apprentice.
Much of the inspiration for these customs came from the marvelous book "Darth Plagueis" that I really recommend, but here is some background information for the uninitiated.
Darth Plagueis the Wise, the secretive Sith Master of Darth Sidious, in the years before the attempted assassination that would leave him disfigured and unable to breathe without a respirator.
Known as Magister Hego Damask to the galaxy, Plagueis' true interests lied in Sith alchemy and experiments that would let him manipulate midichlorians to shape the Force and thus the galaxy as he saw fit.
In his quest to shift the balance of the Force and bring about a new era for the dark side, Plagueis took the young Palpatine as an apprentice and taught him -most- of what he had learned from his journeys and his own master, Darth Tenebrous (maybe a future custom!)
Here you can see Plagueis admiring one of his alchemical works while absentmindedly giving young Palpatine a lightsaber training lesson.
And the apprentice...
Darth Sidious, known only as Palpatine to the galaxy, training under the harsh teachings of his master Darth Plagueis. With crimson robes befitting his nobility, he also wears neuranium-laced wristguards and greaves along with a neuranium-mesh scarf to protect himself from lightsaber strikes during his harsh training, Sidious seeks to become even more powerful than his master, and is already scheming ways to one day overthrow him. But first, he must learn all there is to learn of the ways of the Force...
And watched by their peers...
That's all for the pictures!
For these customs, one of the early challenges was finding a figure of appropriate size for Plagueis as he is supposed to be 240 cm tall. Plagueis has outgrown the use of his lightsaber and is more of a loremaster and scientist in his later days, but I wanted him to still wield one with the Force to teach his apprentice, and it made for what I thought was an original pose. For Palpatine, most of the art surrounding his youth show him with a mane of red hair and I wanted to reflect that, and also his taste of luxury and nobility in his fashion, even during his training, before he became the Emperor and left all that behind.
I hope you like what you see, I'll make sure to share future works with you all.