Super Freak
Nice pics!
Avengers is supposed to come out at the end of April and Star wars just before Christmas.
Do you think they will announce new Marvel figures in April and new Star wars figures in December ?
Doubt it these are very slow to come out, I’ve heard rumors the line is going to get discontinued.
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Ok that is a very bad news if that is true...
Thanks for your input here though.
Nothin for SWC then I say this line is done. There is a SHF SW exclusive.
It’s just what I’ve read here and there, they keep showing the same figures for the past few years with a 1 or 2 new figures thrown in. It’s my favorite line so I hope they continue also but at the pace they put these things out who knows.
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This line has always been a slow one. I don't think it's truly dead. They're not tied to any specific movie really, so I don't think either Marvel or Star Wars releases depend on the movie release schedule at all. The Marvel ones are all comic based anyway.
Yea a very slow line, I was wondering since they did not offer us since C3P0 maybe they could decide to take profit of the movie publicity to sell their figures.
Apparently many prototypes are ready for Marvel and for Star wars
I bought C3po off eBay from Japan
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Manga Realization Wolverine coming August.
View attachment 448360[/looks really cool, love the Star Wars line
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