Tamashii Soul of Chogokin C-3PO & R2-D2

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Then why are you trying to pass judgement on something that happened almost 40 years ago, in present tense?

You understand the difference, right?

Never mind, I get it. Your parents must have turned off the Xbox. You probably ran out of opportunity to troll.
Then why are you trying to pass judgement on something that happened almost 40 years ago, in present tense?

You understand the difference, right?

Never mind, I get it. Your parents must have turned off the Xbox. You probably ran out of opportunity to troll.

I completely understand, boy. I just was stating why I don't like Threepio. You seem to, so sorry if I hurt your feeling. I didn't know you were sensitive.
I hate Threepio.......He fails as a character, and as a comic relief.

Probably the worst post I've ever read on Freaks.:dunno

My collection echo's your sentiments entirely.:lol

Just waiting on the Tamashii.



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Probably the worst post I've ever read on Freaks.:dunno

My collection echo's your sentiments entirely.:lol

Just waiting on the Tamashii.





I hope to have a similar shrine someday....How did you go about collecting it them? I'm buying the higher end figures first, then the 3 3/4 figs.
I completely understand, boy. I just was stating why I don't like Threepio. You seem to, so sorry if I hurt your feeling. I didn't know you were sensitive.

I think everyone can accept the fact that you don't like him, as I don't really think anyone cares about your opinion about that one way or the other, who are you anyway? The statement I take issue with is your critique. It's an unintelligent and illogical complaint.

What are you going to tell us next, the relevancy of disco, what your opinion is about Elton John or Billy Joel? I know! Perhaps you are going to elaborate on how funny you think Steve Martin is today after watching The Jerk? Please, regale us all with your present day analysis of something that occurred almost 40 years earlier. I'm certain you will be able to convey your intellectual capacity to take us back in time in order to put your perception in perfect context, yes?

Or maybe next time, when you decide to take another dump on everyones enjoyment, you can do us the favor of letting us know in advance that outside of playing online video games and clinging shallow interpretations of characters, that you probably never fully understood in the first place, you don't really have much of a valuable and useful critique for anyone to take seriously.
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Wow just read all this venom so went back and found the original post.

Yea. Probably deserves the venom. If you are going to make such a sweeping comment in a thread devoted to the character I would suggest some expansion.

Just for balance. I like c3po but prefer r2.

And hate the droid factory sequence in AOTC. That fails as comic relief.

The whole bickering between them in new hope. That works.
Yep, exactly. I've basically written off anything after ROTJ, and there's plenty of understandable reasons to have lost some love for some characters, over time. But in no way was C-3PO a fail in ANH, and that's the representation we've been given with this figure.

The kid was trolling.
I don't think my opinion should or would sway anyone's decision one way or another. I bought it, and swore that I would never buy either of the two, before I did. So for me it was, because it brought me back to being a 7-8yr old kid in 1977.

I started collecting last year...and so this entire experience has been one of joy....joy that I put down almost 30 years ago because I thought I outgrew my love for Star Wars. I had the money and it was an easy decision because the figure inspires me to create dios for it. Something my wife likes to see me do...create, which is also something I put down some 20yrs ago.

For me it's a journey....one that's totally worth it.

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I started collecting last year...and so this entire experience has been one of joy....joy that I put down almost 30 years ago because I thought I outgrew my love for Star Wars. I had the money and it was an easy decision because the figure inspires me to create dios for it. Something my wife likes to see me do...create, which is also something I put down some 20yrs ago.

For me it's a journey....one that's totally worth it.

:exactly: :goodpost:
I think everyone can accept the fact that you don't like him, as I don't really think anyone cares about your opinion about that one way or the other, who are you anyway? The statement I take issue with is your critique. It's an unintelligent and illogical complaint.

What are you going to tell us next, the relevancy of disco, what your opinion is about Elton John or Billy Joel? I know! Perhaps you are going to elaborate on how funny you think Steve Martin is today after watching The Jerk? Please, regale us all with your present day analysis of something that occurred almost 40 years earlier. I'm certain you will be able to convey your intellectual capacity to take us back in time in order to put your perception in perfect context, yes?

Or maybe next time, when you decide to take another dump on everyones enjoyment, you can do us the favor of letting us know in advance that outside of playing online video games and clinging shallow interpretations of characters, that you probably never fully understood in the first place, you don't really have much of a valuable and useful critique for anyone to take seriously.

You put alot of thought into that didn't you? :rotfl

Anyways, after watching ANH and comparing Threepio to his incarnation on AOTC, I take back what I said. I hate Threepio in AOTC. This figure is sweet I must admit! So there. I apologize. :1-1:
Right on, Adam! I also agree with you about how they portrayed 3PO in AOTC. Did not like it, one bit.

I bought this figure solely to honor ANH.

Thanks man, big of you.:1-1:[
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Had a buddy of mine come over and told him to check out my latest addition...........he had not a clue about this figure even though our collecting habits run in the same circles..........he was blown away. Then I told him who made him and he was oh hell yea those guys make excellent stuff. Needless to say he is now on the hunt for a good deal on one. The 3po virus continues to spread........:devil