For those who are seeing this done for the first time, please disregard my initial attempts at doing this mod with that colored cellophane wrapping and colored file folders. A figure of this quality demands the use of professional lighting gels, especially if you want the color
just right.
Just to catch up those who are still waiting to receive the gels I made from my excess material, I found another lighting company and got hold of a different swatch-book of gels than the first one I got. I also took some time to really study the color of C-3PO's eyes as they looked in the movies instead of just relying on a Google image search. It's amazing to see how they varied not just in brightness but in hue, from a pale yellow to amber to a warm orange (I think this sort of explains why it's so difficult to take a photo where the eye color doesn't wash out). As a result, it's taken me a little longer to decide which ones to cut and finally send out to everyone.
Anyway, if anyone else wants to undergo this exercise in madness, you can purchase a swatch-book from Gam Products at or find a Rosco location (where these swatch-books are handed out for free!) at