Tamashii Soul of Chogokin C-3PO & R2-D2

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Don't you have some of my other adapters already? ;) It will be similar. Just smaller.

Yup happy owner of the Vader set and sabers, and they work like a charm. Although it's not the mechanism itself that worries me if not how to hide the wires. My plan was to someway run it down the neck and torso and try to take it out through his wired mid section. Then I wanted to run it through the support stand to hide it completely without having to take apart the leg.

BTW how do you take apart the torso with 3PO? is it just the 2 small screws on the side? I tried to take these off once but when I saw they were pretty tight I preferred to leave them alone because I didn't want to scratch the gold paint with the screwdriver.
Re: Tamashii Soul of Chogokin C-3PO & R2-D2

If you were to follow your own advise and respect the opinions of others, I think you probably should not have written that last post. If that's not what's intended then I'm letting you know it came off as sanctimonious, dismissive and pointedly rude as it's directed at one specific individual. Just saying.

BTW how do you take apart the torso with 3PO? is it just the 2 small screws on the side? I tried to take these off once but when I saw they were pretty tight I preferred to leave them alone because I didn't want to scratch the gold paint with the screwdriver.

Don't try to unscrew those. They are part of the sculpt and are not functional.
If one of the lights in the eyes needs replacing, is it an easy fix?

No, not by any stretch of the imagination, sorry. The eyes use surface mount LEDs which are tiny and a right PITA to work with by hand. I know a couple of people that can do that kind of work and I "MIGHT" be able to once I grab a good magnifier, but the board they're mounted to might be bad, so it would have to be diagnosed first.
Real quick photo of the prototype battery module I built this morning. For the next prototype I'll make the wire even narrower, this one is about 6mm (but flat of course).

my bad that was the givaway one this is the one at the NYCC


dudes it comes with working parts I really do hope they make this

Interested to see this image in the new Star Wars Ultimate book showing all the spot welds Tama sculpted.

Thankfully that abomination of a Tama R2 was never released - it looks worse than my Hasbro in every conceivable way.
Thankfully that abomination of a Tama R2 was never released - it looks worse than my Hasbro in every conceivable way.

I'm sure they would have fixed it up to be pretty nice. Based on the detail they put into the 3PO I think it would have been great.
Assuming Tamashii would have put an R2 as good as their 3PO on the market, i would have been all over a Die cast version.
That's a lot of assuming for something they were showing off in public and just waiting for licensor approval. ;)

Living in the here and now, Sideshow's R2 is IMO, at least as impressive as Tama's 3PO. I've been thinking about adding some weight to it so when someone else picks it up they're even more impressed.
Living in the here and now, Sideshow's R2 is IMO, at least as impressive as Tama's 3PO. I've been thinking about adding some weight to it so when someone else picks it up they're even more impressed.

I also like Sideshow's R2 but IMO it is not as impressive as Tama's 3PO. In some pictures, it really looks to me like 3PO is the real life-size costume. On the other hand, as much as I like R2, I can't explain why but so far I have not seen a picture where I could mistake Sideshow for the real life-zise R2.
I can't explain why but so far I have not seen a picture where I could mistake Sideshow for the real life-zise R2.

For me it's all down to the dome. No concentric brushing, no specular highlights, so it doesn't look like the metallic prop. Having both in hand, they're equally impressive on a shelf.
Perfectly happy with SSC R2 myself but i wouldn't turn down a Die Cast version if it were to be offered in the future.