Just to give you guys a heads up on how bad it actually is getting in CA...this is an email sent out yesterday by my principal:
"When I attended the Superintendent's Advisory Council Meeting today, I was informed there is an immediate freeze on the Title I, Categorical, and SBCP funds. Therefore, all programs for students will be cut at our site starting today....yes, this includes our Reading Mastery, Corrective Reading and Math, after-school tutoring, and all teacher trainings. All Achievement Sub's last day is today....we will meet tomorrow to address some important issues. There will be time for grade level meetings.
There will not be a Buy Back Day on Saturday.....
Our students here at ******** will be affected by these changes.....I did not get into education to do this to students..."
We received another email from the school's SB472 reading coach stating that all teacher prep. days and the Open Court reading curriculum training for all 4-6 teachers are cancelled. This really sucks for teachers going through BITSA or teachers who have to get their 80 hours for their credential!
FURTHERMORE, our site's Union rep told a few of us that that the rumor going around is that 1st-3rd will no longer be 20-1 and, worst case scenario, is that 400-700 teachers will not receive a contract late-February early-March in our district.
I am not looking forward to state testing in May...there is NO WAY our school is going to make it's API/AYP if our main reading intervention is cut 100%. Lovely how NCLB will label our school as a failure because of state budget woes.