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Especially ignorant women like that, who probably haven't read a single adult book in her life, if she can even read.
People with attitudes like hers frequently are illterate and can barely write their own name. That is the kind of person who would never watch a PBS documentary unless it was about getting rich or dyin tryin.
You mean, you missed the entire blackthorn discussion about twerking, carnivorous, babies who eat the souls of their own mothers? I didn't read it, either, but I'm sure it was something along those lines.

Funny I never read that one before. Tell me about that internet connection you have that connects to another dimension where I might actually be able to read that.
:horror :horror :horror

You should get together with surfin4.

I think you are suggesting racism. It isn't about race. There are plenty of white people just as ignorant as she seems to be. The spelling and the ebonics of the message indicate ignorance and illiteracy. There are plenty of Southern white trash who are just as illiterate and don't care. They are illterate BECAUSE they don't care.

I think he should have tried harder to find a William F. Buckley Jr. gif that basically said as much at that.
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Especially ignorant women like that, who probably haven't read a single adult book in her life, if she can even read.
People with attitudes like hers frequently are illterate and can barely write their own name. That is the kind of person who would never watch a PBS documentary unless it was about getting rich or dyin tryin.


Prince dissagrees that "ain't" and "dat" are markers of illiteracy? I doubt it. Anyone who says ain't and "dat" are not very articulate. That is what it is about. You wouldn't catch Colin Powell saying those.

Any book that uses "ain't" and "dat" as correct English is not very scholarly.

What book uses those words as correct English? You show me that, and I'll show you a book for ignorant people who are arrogant enough to believe they have the right to change the English language to suit themselves.
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Bigotry is what I'm implying. It's a special form of ignorance that you're clearly immune to.

If you believe that identifying bad grammar and poor English is a form of bigotry, try telling an English teacher.

By the way, I thought you said that stupidity was the one thing you would rid the world of. Tell me that woman doesn't seem to come across as stupid to you.
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You don't know a damn thing about that woman, and what you inferred about her character does not follow from the simple identification of poor grammar skills.


She could be an actress playing an ignorant character, so as far as that is concerned, maybe she isn't an ignorant woman.

She is definitely playing an ignorant, illiterate role, though, or that is at least how the gif is portraying her as, with the spelling of the words.
"It's like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good I am at chess, the pigeon is just going to knock over all the pieces, crap on the board, and strut around the table looking victorious."