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Not perfect, but def not a "Rambo"

When i first saw the (T2) T-800 PF i wasn't impressed...but when i first saw it in person i was instantly SOLD. Pretty sure i'm still ordering the EX.
Aaaaaaaaand... it doesn't really look any better than the Preview pic. :(

Pretty good from the neck down, though. But not $300+ good, IMHO.
Either you're arguing just to argue...or you have no idea. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and guessing you have no idea. So, for those that don't know the meaning of biased...here's the definitition:

biased past participle, past tense of bi·as (Verb)
1. Show prejudice for or against (someone or something) unfairly: "the tests were biased against women"; "a biased view of the world".
2. Influence unfairly to invoke favoritism: "her story failed to bias the jury".

This definition above clearly shows (in black and white) you are biased on this topic. If you felt this way after the full-reveal (after 10-15 FULL pics), i have NO PROBLEM what so ever (differenced of opinion make the world go round) but because you are being so opinionated after one promo pic...it only reinforces my argument that you are unfairly prejudging this collectible.


:lol I take it you have never been laid.
I was really looking forward to this, but I have to say im disappointed.
Looks much better than the impression I got from the first pic. Glasses still seem a bit off, but the BD eye looks great, and I think the heads in general look quite good. Yes, the hair looks a bit screwy, but this may be the best you can do when sculpting that look. The HT hair looked similar. I'm wondering if the glasses are attached to the non-BD head or not.

Not sure if I'll pick this guy up or not. . .will have to dwell on this a bit.

Exclusive is absolutely essential if you are to buy this at all, IMO.
Meh, it's OK. Not wowed by it. The portrait with the sunglasses looks better. Will probably pass. No room in the display case and I'm waiting on other pieces. I can't believe this is priced over $300.
I think it looks a lot better than the initial promo picture, now that I can see it from multiple angles and with no glasses on.

Agreed. Still not as good as Trevor's T2 portrait, but it does look better than the promo shot. From certain anges the likeness appears to be much better than 'head on'. And I'm not sure if the glasses are throwing the likeness off or not , but I do think the likeness of the excl. is much better than that of the reg. edition. :dunno
What's interesting is that the BD head (without the glasses) actually looks a lot more like Arnold to me. Something about the head with the glasses is throwing off the likeness a lot I think. And that's weird considering it's likely the same base sculpt.
Wow, looks fantastic! I actually prefer this to the HT figure due to the more imposing nature of the format. The pose looked like it was going to be the biggest deal breaker and thank God they brought his legs in a bit to lose the "figure skating" look. Now we can all pretend that concept sketch was just a bad dream.

Exclusive is absolutely essential if you are to buy this at all, IMO.

See I'm not convinced of that. Not only is the exclusive not screen accurate (duh) but it looks like they based the battle damaged eye off of his T2 make-up, and not the T1 prosthetic head. The T2 look throws off the 1984 badassedness ("If I could only kill again....") of the piece just a bit, though I agree that the likeness itself does seem stronger without the glasses. Still cool though. Hmmmm, very tempting.
Definitely far from bad like some of you are saying. Something is a little off with the glasses head straight on, but I still think that's just the photos. Based on experience, I believe this one will look pretty impressive in hand.
it looks like they based the battle damaged eye off of his T2 make-up
Do you have a link to this look you are referring to? I'm not familiar with it (or do you just mean that it looks a bit more realistic a la the T2 effects?). Of course, it isn't screen accurate, but it is completely bad ass and that's why I think folks MUST BUY the ex. :D
Gotta say this... it lends itself well to the mixed media format. The clothing (especially the jacket and boots) looks fantastic.
Now that I have seen all of the photos I think it looks great actually. The shades are off but I agree that I think this will look amazing in hand. Will be hoping to order the ex fo' sho'