Either you're arguing just to argue...or you have no idea. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and guessing you have no idea. So, for those that don't know the meaning of biased...here's the definitition:
biased past participle, past tense of bi·as (Verb)
1. Show prejudice for or against (someone or something) unfairly: "the tests were biased against women"; "a biased view of the world".
2. Influence unfairly to invoke favoritism: "her story failed to bias the jury".
This definition above clearly shows (in black and white) you are biased on this topic. If you felt this way after the full-reveal (after 10-15 FULL pics), i have NO PROBLEM what so ever (differenced of opinion make the world go round) but because you are being so opinionated after one promo pic...it only reinforces my argument that you are unfairly prejudging this collectible.