Re: Terminator: Genesis (July 1st, 2015)
This weekend James Cameron did a Q&A at the Hero Complex Film Festival screening of Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day (just move to LA already, folks) and he talked a bit about Terminator: Genesis. It turns out that Cameron met with the folks behind that movie and gave them his thoughts.
"My goal in that was not to insinuate myself artistically but to try to make sure they stayed true to the Terminator character and the idea of Arnold being in it. Because he's a friend of mine and we've been through all the wars together and everything. And I wanted them to see the possibilities I saw for what they could do with this character.
And then David Ellison took the project over from Megan and he and I met a couple times. And so Arnold is very much front and center in the new Terminator films. So I might have had some tiny effect on it — but obviously they had to make the right financial and creative decisions themselves so I'm not trying to take credit for the film that they're making but that was my goal in being loosely attached to the film but I won't have any credit on it."
So I guess Arnold Schwarzenegger was not originally in the film, but when Cameron insisted they gave him a bigger role. What possibilities did Cameron see for the Terminator? I'm genuinely curious how the old Arnie is fitting into this film, considering he's a robot and looks totally different than he did way back in the first movie. Especially when you take into account that this movie is a reboot, which sees time travel changing the past and creating a whole new timeline for the characters. If he's the Spock/Wolverine of this series, why is he so darn old?
This, by the way, would be the most Cameron has been involved with a Terminator film since T2. Do we take that as a sign of hope?