Super Freak
a-dev it all good bro we will obviously never see eye to eye on TERMINATOR 3 or any other movie I would choose to discuss. I just don't understand how anyone with your over analytical attitude toward a movie could ever enjoy watching one. Glad I am the opposite. So I guess we will agree to disagree and that fine by me. Take care , Mike
Thanks for that, nice to hear
The Terminators behaviour throughout the film was a send-up of his previous performances. The psychology subroutines crap made him sound like Data in Star Trek:TNG. The forced paraphrasing of his usual line "I'll be back" where he says "She'll be back" - both the delivery of that line and the fact that he said it at all was clearly an attempt to break the fourth wall..or third wall or whatever it is - and that just takes you out of the film. There was really no reason the T-800 would have said it, no one was in earshot to hear him say it so it was like he was saying it to himself for his own benefit which is clearly nonsense. No, he was saying it to the film-viewing audience. Stupid. I'm sure there were other examples that aren't coming to mind right now.
If my memory serves he didn't see the TX at all. He saw the T-850 carrying the coffin on his shoulder and the camera went slow-mo. Then he 'hilariously' ran off to nowhere in particular. Would Cameron have humiliated the character in such a cartoony fashion? I don't think so.
Well no one said John Connor was freaked out by Reese being younger than him. I said that it was strange how Marcus didn't bat an eyelid when Connor said that Kyle Reese, the teenager, was his dad - because how would Marcus have known the complexities of the situation?
Yeah I agree with that. I don't think anyone wanted to see another film set in the present day.
Are they still going ahead with the new trilogy? I thought I heard that the unspectacular performance of T4 had cast that in doubt.