Re: Terrorist attack in Monterrey, Mexico...
again...taking a Breathalyzer and drawing blood are 2 different things. I think it would be a scary world where any cop could pull u over for no reason and take a blood sample. that's a world i don't want to live in.
as screwed up as our country is right now, i'm not sure we could handle legalized cocaine. .
Yeah l agree, l dont want some cop pulling me over at night and telling me to sit on his bumper while he pulls a blood sample. The cop would have to carry a big bag of needles getting in the way of his other tools he needs. Just wait till you get the idiot lazy cops (which there are many) and they start reusing needles and start spreading disease.
Yes l also think the US would fall and end up a drug addicted country.
Again, you're assuming all this violence is over cocaine. Don't over look the weed aspect. When's the last time you saw a pothead hold up a convenience store to pay for his dope?
Don't kid yourself, lots of crime and murder is over Pot. I have watched many episodes of "The First 48" and simple pot deals end with someone dead. l have read many of these stories in my local paper of beatings and someone getting shot or stabbed over pot deals. When it comes to selling drugs it's not always about what kind of drug, but the ammount of money, such as buying only pot, but in large amounts of money and that can and will lead to death and violence. When dealing with more hard drugs the people who sell them are more shady and protective and jumpy, that will also lead to violence.
It's not that difficult. There are clear signs and cops already drag people in if they suspect them of being under the influence of narcotics. They'd just take them down to the station, have a medic run a blood test and release the person if they check out clean.
You always make everything sound so easy when it's not. So if police suspect you are on drugs they will bring you to the station for a blood test. Well l bet in a city the station would be packed with people hauled there for blood tests every night. The entire stations would always be packed with people waiting for their blood test. Tests then would take a while to come back, not just the same night, they would have to let the people go before they get their results or keep them over night when they have no evidence yet to keep them there, which is violating their rights. So no it will be difficult, you have to look at the big picture.
And saying it wouldn't affect Mexico is extremely naive. It's not just cocaine, but there's a billion dollar pot industry there as well. Legalize it, regulate it and you lower the illegal demand for it. It effectively sends the bad element packing and looking for another means of work, OR, puts them to work legitimately negating a need for violence. The U.S. does this all the time in other countries.
Mexico is full of these crazy people. if the US legalized coke and heroin where would the government get it. They would turn to these people in Mexico to legaly supply it. This will lead to violence. There are many drug cartels fighting for full control and their turfs. So if the US would go to one group and say do this for us, the other group would fight and kill them so they could get hired by the government to supply the legal drugs.
Or the US could create an organization were US government group get coca plants and makes it in the US so not to hire the bad guys in Mexico, but to get the coca plants we would have to step on their turfs to get it because they control those places and they will fight us because they will still make and sell cocaine to other countries. They will not just let us take their plants. So if the US make coke Legal dosn't mean the cartels in Mexico will stop, they will sell to other countries, unless the world legalizes it.
mexico is a corrupt nation...if it' not coke it'll be something else.
there might be less crime but what kind of country do we become legalizing it? i think making it legal will turn more people onto it which is bad...coke is one of the most addictive drugs out there. talk to anyone who is rehab and they will tell you horror stories about coke.
and what's the next step? legalize heroin? people get killed over that as well. and it's very lucrative in Afghanistan. people get killed here buying and dealing do we make every single drug legal? i think that's the easy way out as a'll make things worse.
we just need tougher drug laws and border enforcement. if it doesn't come into the country it can't be sold. if we started treating these drugs as a dirty bomb maybe we'd do a better job keeping them out. making them legal is the easy solution...we should do better than that.
l agree with all this. If the US would make Cocaine legal tommorow then everythiing would have to be made legal, Heroin, prostitution, kids having guns in school to protect themselves from other crazed school gunmen and god know what else.
Poppy cultivation might've jumped 500%, but from what? Cannabis is and will always be considerably more popular than heroine.
Poppy production has skyrocketed because of the war in Afghanistan. 90% of the world Heroin comes from Afghanistan. The taliban are paying Afghan farmers to grow the crops and selling the poppies to fuels there war against us. Nato soldiers can't do anything about those fields either. If we burn them the farmers become hostel and wage Jihad on us because we burned their lively hood, so it is lose lose right now with poppy and heroin production in the world right now.