I couldn't tell if it was good or not. All I saw on my screen was perpetual darkness.
Maybe I'll try re-watching it and crank the brightness and contrast.
dont know if it sucked or not, it was too damn dark to see anything!!!!!!!!
perpetual darkness...
You guys with the 'wah wah, it's too dark' problem must own some really crappy televisions.
Like, wow.
the director of lighting needs to be shot in the face , the movie was let down by this the terrible acting , and the crappy story
Yeah right, and the Get Ripley's ashes from the Iron works....clone what ?8 abominations from said ashes....get one that has a QUEEN inside her (thats the best one yet)....get space pirates to deliver bodies in suspended animation for breeding Aliens....create what is perhaps the worst creature EVAR in Sci-fi history.....then get it on the Betty (I still don't know how that happened).....Have Ripleys blood breach the window and suck the Newborn out while it cries momma....is a masterpiece, that you love. Makes all the sense in the world how you think that steaming pile of feces is better than AVP-R!
You guys with the 'wah wah, it's too dark' problem must own some really crappy televisions.
Like, wow.
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