Thanos and Mistress Death Polystone Diorama

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I recall SS hinting at a comiquette and it may have been confirmed I cannot recall. They may simply be presenting this as a diorama but it could be as big as 1/5 scale. I doubt it would be 1/4 as they will probably produce a PF at this scale.

The overall dio will look great. Next week should be good.
If your a Thanos fan you should be aware of the importance of her to him.

People should stop jumping to conclusions until they see the full piece. Has Pitu gave his opinion on it yet?

Yeah I wonder where Pitu is when we need him!:)

The truth is that I don't know what to think about this piece :dunno other than I am not interested enough in the character to get him in Diorama form (Although it looks quite good to me).

I don't understand all the drama, if a comiquette is what you were expecting...well, move on and keep on waiting :panic:, there are many other great pieces to get this year :yess:
The truth is that I don't know what to think about this piece :dunno other than I am not interested enough in the character to get him in Diorama form (Although it looks quite good to me).

I don't understand all the drama, if a comiquette is what you were expecting...well, move on and keep on waiting :panic:, there are many other great pieces to get this year :yess:

yep move on, nothing new here, save your $$$ and buy some SW stuff.:yess:
This piece is gonna probably head toward second chance land for sure.

1. reason

Thanos's face should be the old style art of the "Infinity Gauntlet" series. Did they not like Lim's visual take? Look at how many in here have asked for this...because the current face is unsatisfactory to most.

HOWEVER, what if the EX is a swappable head? Eh....SS :stick


It's a small dio. Though some dios came out really nice.
We don't now if it's a small dio quite yet. They can range in scale (see the difference between Iron Man/Namor and X-force dios).

Only time will tell how big this thing is gonna be. ..but I hope it's as big, or bigger than this guy (very old pic, don't have the 1/6'ers anymore :lol ):

I absolutely love the Bowen Thanos but its completely out of scale. Thanos is 6' 7" but BD have sculpted him closer to 8 foot if not higher.
Yeah, out of scale - but in a good way for me. His size seems to have been kinda subjective in the actual illustrations throughout the years, and I've always preferred him when he's depicted on the larger size. The bigger problem on the Bowen piece is the shade of blue IMO. :huh

Thanos is one of my favorites, and I was pulling for a huge comiquette as well. Hopefully this dio will be on the larger size!

Probably 1/5.I have faith in Sideshow.If this is not 1/5 ,I will become an homosexual.
I mean really...sideshow is hiding somethin about this dio

yea, id be surprised if this was a dio of him just standing next to thing about SS dio's is that they are pretty hope hes in the process of kicking some A$$
Might be the first Sideshow Dio that is Enormous.A new breed of Dios is about to be born IMO.Sideshow, once again ahead of the curve...:rock