Sorry if I sounded that way, but that's not my intention. I am not super well off and I don't buy a lot of anything and there's plenty of times that something I want is priced out of what I'm able to afford. I'm single and have no kids so it allows me a little more wiggle room than some at my salary but I by no means can afford to buy everything I want. Even if I could, I then wouldn't be able to afford a home big enough to house it all.
I'm just sick of people making baseless accusations about "company x" trying to rip them off. It's nearly impossible to know exactly why any product costs what it costs without detailed information I really doubt anyone has. If something costs more than you can afford that's fine. "Man, too rich for my blood" or something to that effect is great and I have no problem with it. Posting, every time a new product is put up for sale, about how far "company x" has fallen and how they're just jacking up prices "because they can" and that all they care about is money and ripping off their customers… well that drives me up the wall.