I couldn't get through your post because this slammed the breaks for me...
First, the shapeshifting lifecycle was part of the original alien's biology as far back as 1979. It takes on the appearance of its host, that was why it was humanoid. It was a rather brilliant excuse for why it looked like a man in a suit. I do believe you had to read Starlog and other magazines back then to get that background information.
Starlog is Canon now??
I am just going by the films.. It was not until the third film that the general audience and fan knew about this... BUT if the filmmakers had an idea I can see what you are saying about taking it down that road in ALIENS.
As you say, it was a super cool life cycle... which added to the fact that there was some original thought applied to the alien conceit. They didn't just make it an alien bug.
I'll read the rest now...
OK, well it seems like you did come around to all I was saying by the end of your post. Popcorn vs art and all... I never meant high art by any means.
Incidentally, in terms of 'promise', I meant the promise of 'the alien' being even more unusual and interesting as opposed to a simplistically understood insect, despite how fast they were.
I just remember thinking it was cool that there was more to the ALIEN then just being a monster in space..
In some ways I think the Prequels are trying to make the ALIEN more unusual and interesting and it's failing big time.
''A genius at making lowbrow into quality''
A backhanded sort of compliment I think it's fair to say. As a big Cameron fan I'm torn about how to respond to that. You (and many others) simultaneously respect and look down upon him as a filmmaker. It never fails to confuse me
But that said I never experienced being a fan of Alien
before Aliens came along. And I've since become very familiar with being a fan of something for a long time before it then gets a new sequel - and finding the new film to completely fail to live up to my hopes and expectations. I guess that's what Aliens detractors have always felt.
I was a big ALIEN fan when I was a kid and getting an ALIEN sequel for me was a huge surprise. The only way to keep up on this stuff was through Starlog and Fangoria and I was spending my money on comics instead at the time with the occasional purchase of said magazines.
So perhaps that is why I hold it in such high regard as a huge fan of the original. I never gave much thought of there being a sequel. So when it landed it was a nice surprise and when I saw it I was shocked with how different it was from the original (other then ripping off the ending lol)
Wow , really surprised to hear people think that the xenos in Aliens were just ants.
I felt they moved them into intelligent creatures that evolved into killing machines to reproduce the species. At all costs. The hive mind mentality is actually quite terrifying and also plausible for a successful alien species.
Some of my favorite scenes were the Aliens maneuvering the intruder hero?s into position to eliminate them.
Seeing the queen call off the xenos to protect the young was also incredible.
Then the best illustration of the intelligent species aspect was the queens desire for revenge against Ripley. No ant cares about revenge.
I think that was one of my issues with the original. In the end it is pretty much a monster in space horror film. There is nothing special about the Alien besides the life cycle , as previously said.
Yeah.. I mean I love the original ALIEN... I love that it doesn't feel pity or remorse and it absolutely will not stop until you are dead (Does Cameron have an original thought

But in the end it was just a man in a monster suit. I thought ALIENS did a better job of making them feel more like actual living creatures.
But I also understand the "bug" argument.
I am lucky and love both films and the way both the ALIENs are portrayed
I don't see why you guys can not be more critical of things you like. With the exception of Jaws

)) every movie can be criticized and broken down to be analyzed, l

I like Aliens. A lot. It's a great action movie and I really do believe it's a masterpiece of the 80's (Sci-Fi) action genre. The thing is... it is an 80's flick.
For better or worse, Cameron distilled it into the perfect 80's action movie: it's got the clever one-liners, it's got the heavy handed Vietnam allegory (complete with inept officer), it's got the by-the-numbers cast of characters that are all immediately recognisable, it's got the budding love interest story... I mean, Aliens is so good at what it does that everything that came after it became a clich?. The mastery of it is that Cameron just made it so damn good.
I agree with Wor-Gar, Cameron is a genius at making low-brow look great. Or rather, was, IMHO. I haven't really liked anything he's done after T2, and I still like T1 better...
I agree and disagree all at the same time.
I mean DIE HARD is an 80's action movie but its so well made it transcends 80's action.
Same goes for Predator and Lethal Weapon.
At the same time I agree with how ALIENS hits all the beats of 80's war style action films of the time and because of that I can see where maybe it feels a bit dated for some. Unlike ALIEN which is timeless. For me personally I dont get the dated feel but I grew up with the film and in the 80's. This film feels nothing like Commando to me
But that is what makes it so great. It did not try and be ALIEN 2.. It really set itself apart from the first movie.
And yes.. T1 is better then T2
As for the impact on the franchise and the nature of the alien itself... I'm in the "they got dumbed down" camp. And I don't mean it literally, as in "the creatures were dumbed down", because, as was pointed out, they clearly show intelligence. What I mean is that the alien(s) became simple monsters. Yeah, sure, clever beasts, but monsters. In Alien, the creature is almost as much a protagonist as the rest of the crew. It even gets named: "Kane's son". Its elaborate movements, its cat and mouse game with the crew, its knowledge of where and how to hide in the ship (when it showed up in the Narcissus it was clear to me the thing knew what it was doing) are all much more sophisticated an eerie than the hordes of drones and telepathic Queen in Aliens.
The whole movie of ALIEN is literally alien to the viewer.. Nothing about the ALIEN or where it comes from feels familiar to the audience.
What is the planet they are on? What is that weird looking ship?? What the hell is that space jockey ?? Are those eggs?? What the hell is that face Huger? Acid for blood? Chest burster? ***** shaped head? Teeth inside of teeth?? What is this creatures end game?? What did it do to Lambert?? What the hell ?????
Its really a brilliant film in that way.. And in all honesty IMO any explanation would take away from the original film and demystify it. As the Prequel films have show..
Of course, going bigger seems logical, but the ants/hive/queen thing isn't the only way of going bigger. Besides, going bigger isn't the only way... you could go weirder.
If the films got weirder with the ALIEN creature I cant help but feel that it would have hurt the original more then helped.
At least as a Hive colony it still has this "We will destroy anything in order to grow and survive"
But it is what it is, and I think we got a better sequel than anybody had the right to expect. I think, however, that Aliens' success was both a blessing and a curse, because it paved the way for a franchise, but it also set up an expectation for what should come next. And we know how that turned out...People enraged because Hicks and Newt were killed off, because it wasn't a "war" anymore, but a lone creature again, etc... And I think the franchise never quite recovered from that. Just look at all the people clamouring for an Alien 5 that brought back Hicks and Newt.
That is true.. But the trailer for ALIEN 3 didn't help... It made it look like an ALIENS sequel and not more in line with ALIEN.
I was not a fan of killing off Newt and Hicks... And I really was not a fan of killing Ripley. I just felt her character deserved a happy ending.
I have come around to really liking ALIEN 3... But still view it as a bit alternate Universe film