Why do they keep making the same movie??
Not that I'm defending producers or studio execs, but maybe it's because every time a new movie comes out, fans bash it either for being unoriginal or too different.
I would've liked to see a continuation of Salvation's story because it wasn't a carbon copy of what came before, but people hated it. To this day, I'm legitimately surprised at just how much of a bad reputation it has.
And sure enough, when browsing the comments on the Dark Fate trailer today, I saw people asking why the Terminator universe can't just go to the future and stay there.
HMM. I, too, also wonder the same thing as well.
The extra pixels widening the font are meant to be a heavy layer of sarcasm.
Probably safer to just let the franchise die at this point, but Genisys made decent cash.
That looks terrible.....seriously bad.
Boring terminator.....
Boring wanna be Terminator.....
Linda Hamilton with big guns looks silly.....
I know, how about this? I T800 , different model is the main antagonist?
It was much more intense when normal folks were trying to defeat a well armed T800. All this “one up” stuff is awful. They now have a chase in planes? Cause they used trucks, helicopters, cranes and motorcycles....
Id settle for a decent car chase again, without CGI.
This is gonna be terrible. Arnold will be the guy they modeled the Inital T800 off of.
Stupid movie
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Yea, I have a bad feeling too. Something tells me John is going to be unceremoniously killed off and this new girl is going to be the savior of humanity. And anyone that doesn't embrace it will be called sexist.I understand that they want to pass the torch...but I dont know (everything points that way.) why are they killing John off? He had a great build up in the first two movies and now probably they will just get rid off him in a flashback and move on from there. So basically they ''wasted'' two movies with John...and Sarah probably will die at the end...but who knows? It just an assumption based on the informations so far. Maybe John is hiding and they will reveal him at the end...but somehow I doubt that. I have a bad feeling about this.
I understand that they want to pass the torch...but I dont know (everything points that way.) why are they killing John off? He had a great build up in the first two movies and now probably they will just get rid off him in a flashback and move on from there. So basically they ''wasted'' two movies with John...and Sarah probably will die at the end...but who knows? It just an assumption based on the informations so far. Maybe John is hiding and they will reveal him at the end...but somehow I doubt that. I have a bad feeling about this.
There's no way to tell. The trailer seems intentionally vague, which is a good thing. Anyone remember the trailers for the last 2 movies?
Yes, John Conner was actually Joan Conner all along...
This was so... disappointing. The cgi looked horrible. Mainly the close up head shots of the liquid metal reforming. The endo’s skull is missing a bunch of it... looking like the 2nd Death Star. It is the 1st trailer... so who knows. Kinda worries me that Tim Miller was so pumped about this trailer and he personally worked on it himself. You’re proud of this trailer?
They mocked the last few terminator films... then just reused all the ideas from those films. I’m so sick of these ridiculous almost Marvel like action scenes with people jumping from plane to plane.
Look, Terminator is far from a realistic story, but the action scenes in the first 2 were... believable. Not comic book like.
I definitely see some good things in this trailer as well. But I’m ready to be let down again.
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They mocked the last few terminator films... then just reused all the ideas from those films. I’m so sick of these ridiculous almost Marvel like action scenes with people jumping from plane to plane.
Look, Terminator is far from a realistic story, but the action scenes in the first 2 were... believable. Not comic book like.
Yep, the first two films never had any action even approaching Matrix-y/superhero leaps from one moving vehicle to another or hitting someone in the face with a metal rod and somehow lifting the the person off the ground and causing them to flip end over end through the air with arms and legs fully spread eagle.
I don't care what the final story turns out to be, just the fact that they've already shown that those action elements are present automatically disqualifies this film as a true successor to the tone and feel of the first two. What the hell was Cameron thinking.
Yep, the first two films never had any action even approaching Matrix-y/superhero leaps from one moving vehicle to another or hitting someone in the face with a metal rod and somehow lifting the the person off the ground and causing them to flip end over end through the air with arms and legs fully spread eagle.
I don't care what the final story turns out to be, just the fact that they've already shown that those action elements are present automatically disqualifies this film as a true successor to the tone and feel of the first two. What the hell was Cameron thinking.
Yep, the first two films never had any action even approaching Matrix-y/superhero leaps from one moving vehicle to another or hitting someone in the face with a metal rod and somehow lifting the the person off the ground and causing them to flip end over end through the air with arms and legs fully spread eagle.
I don't care what the final story turns out to be, just the fact that they've already shown that those action elements are present automatically disqualifies this film as a true successor to the tone and feel of the first two. What the hell was Cameron thinking.