The "All things TERMINATOR" thread.

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Oh I don't think I'd want Cameron anymore. I let his Genisys praise slide but it's harder to do that now when he's an actual co-writer and knowing what we know about this film.

So almost 30 years ago Cameron made T2 and decided to leave it at that because there was no more story to tell. Now he comes back and apparently a complete rehash is the T3 we needed all along? That being the case, what was wrong with Rise of the Machines then? (it was crap, but just saying :lol ) SMH.

Yep. He even went so far as filming that little happily ever after epilogue with adult John and old Sarah.

I guess T2 3D (the ride) will forever be the closest thing to a full scale future war film by Cameron himself.
now when he's an actual co-writer

I still think the totality of Cameron's "co-writing" on this thing is him walking into a writer's room with the very rough outline for T3 he wrote in the mid-90s, throwing it on the table and telling the other guys to fluff it up. The other four writers, subsequently, stood around the outline in a circle, unzipped their pants and peed all over it, handed it to an intern and had him transcribe the runny ink as best he could. Now we have what we have, and James is gonna say it's great so he can go play in the water and make Avatars.

Even if Cameron wrote the entire thing himself, it still probably wouldn't be as good as the first two, because he had Will Wisher with him on those two as a co-writer, and I think Wisher kept things grounded and on the rails and wasn't just a "yes man" much the same way Harold Ramis kept Ghostbusters grounded instead of running around in space with alien ghosts and a supernatural ecto-1 like Aykroyd planned.
I still think the totality of Cameron's "co-writing" on this thing is him walking into a writer's room with the very rough outline for T3 he wrote in the mid-90s, throwing it on the table and telling the other guys to fluff it up. The other four writers, subsequently, stood around the outline in a circle, unzipped their pants and peed all over it, handed it to an intern and had him transcribe the runny ink as best he could.


Man, I can't wait for Terminator 3 version 5.0 with another aged T-800 where Arnie can again talk about giving him more human behaviour like as though that's a new thing.

Man, I can't wait for Terminator 3 version 5.0 with another aged T-800 where Arnie can again talk about giving him more human behaviour like as though that's a new thing.

Man I can?t wait for this movie to open at 100 million and for Cameron to announce a sequel the monday after opening weekend lol

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Yep. He even went so far as filming that little happily ever after epilogue with adult John and old Sarah.

I guess T2 3D (the ride) will forever be the closest thing to a full scale future war film by Cameron himself.

I believe you mean Sarah "Chaka/Dr. Zaius" Connor? Imagine if LH actually turned out like this.:lol


That epilogue scene could be the worst three minutes committed to film in the entire 1990s decade.
They should remake that film and make it about a billionaire sociopath named "Kyle Reese", who creates these elaborate hoaxes about time travel and killer robots just to get laid with vulnerable, traumatized college girls. He spends movie budget money on actors and locations just for fun. The hoax always ends with him dying , never to be seen again, until six months later when he does it again.
Truth be told, I probably won't like the film, not as a canon-Terminator film anyway, but the sentimental side is at least warmed to see this

The "All things TERMINATOR" thread.

When 73 years you reach hmm look as good you will not.

Nothing but net swoosh

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