I think the fact that Richard Parker is working on spiders in the first place is lame. It makes the whole spider bite thing with Peter less interesting and special.
Peter Parker in the comics and in the Raimi films is an everyman. By happenstance, that spider bit HIM. He doesn't have some super secret parents that were devising ultra top secret "Spider-Man and Sinister 6 team" biological weapons. He was just an ordinary orphan kid who lived with his aunt and uncle in queens. All this Oscorp garbage makes Peter/Spider-Man less special in my opinion. Hell, it's not just Spider-Man now either, it's all of his villains! Why is Lizard Lizard? Thanks to Parker's research and Oscorp. Why is Electro Electro? Thanks to Oscorp. Why is Harry the Green Goblin? His daddy and Oscorp. Now Ock, Vulture, Kraven, Mysterio and/or Chameleon? Oscorp, Oscorp, Oscorp.
For me, I always thought these characters were extraordinary enough. I liked the fact that Peter was just an ordinary kid that was gifted by a chance spider bite. I liked when Superman was just baby Kal-El, rocketed to our planet. But nah, now they have to have "special blood" or some contrived genetic codex ********. It's lame. I think part of the appeal with Spider-Man, particularly with kids is that anyone could have been under that mask. Well, not now. Only Peter Parker with his daddy's special blood and spiders can be Spider-Man.