They should fire whoever is in charge. I was all for this franchise when ASM came out I said why not its a fresh new start but ASM2 just ****ed my expectations of this franchise going in a great direction. Yea we had our arguments and yes the movies isnt horrible but when you have ****ing GOTG and Captain america beating a spiderman movie then somthing is wrong...... very wrong.
Nobody wants your aunt may movie, and nobody wants a sinister six movie without spidey. The spidey summit is in jan and i pray they make the right decision and partner up or keep ****ing **** up.
I think the issue with spinoffs is I'm not sure it will work without spidey. Each spinoff of a character, it's first film has to be an origins story. All of them include spiderman. I say do a movie like venom where the character is already established and have a handful of flashbacks showing his origin with just a non-speaking spidey in action. That's the best way imo.
Not with proper build up you don't XDI....I want that sinister six movie..
Not with proper build up you don't XD
Not with proper build up you don't XD
All they have to do is write up a story arc over 3 movies. Let the director and writers have free reign as long as they stick to that then stick to the plan and don't listen to fans on the internet and change plans mid way through.
There's a lot of hyperbole about the franchise needing saving and so forth but while ASM2 was disappointing it's no where near the travesty people like to claim it was simply a mediocre movie no moreso or less than lots of others than continue without calls for them to be scrapped or rescued.
All they have to do is write up a story arc over 3 movies. Let the director and writers have free reign as long as they stick to that then stick to the plan and don't listen to fans on the internet and change plans mid way through.
There's a lot of hyperbole about the franchise needing saving and so forth but while ASM2 was disappointing it's no where near the travesty people like to claim it was simply a mediocre movie no moreso or less than lots of others than continue without calls for them to be scrapped or rescued.
Movies don't need build up. Suicide squad isn't getting one
In a surprising move, Sony Pictures Entertainment has hired North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to direct and star in The Amazing Spider-Man 3, the latest sequel in the movie studio's superhero franchise. "We at Sony are delighted to be working with such a talented, visionary, and handsome person as Kim Jong-un," said Sony spokesbot Millard Cappistonic. "The ideas he will bring to the next Spider-Man are extraordinary and may revolutionize film as we know it. And did we mention that he's handsome?"
According to Hollywood insiders, the story for the next Spider-Man movie -- which will be known as The Amazing Respected Comrade and Supreme Leader Spider-Man -- will involve hero Peter Parker (played by Jong-un) swiftly rising to the position of All-Powerful Commander of the Former United States and then teaming up with Kim Jong-un (played by Jong-un, in a dual role) to destroy their capitalist enemies. "It's certainly a different take on the Spider-Man legend," explains fanboy Roland Wisetully, who read a leaked online version of the script.
(SPOILER ALERT!) Spider-Man kills Gwen Stacy as a traitor "for all ages" because she was planning some kind of coup although that coup is never explained. Also, Spider-Man's costume is really just kind of a military uniform with the word "webs" written on it. And roughly half the script depicts North Korean women weeping and fainting at the sight of Spider-Man while Seth Rogen and James Franco are pistol-whipped. To be honest, it doesn't exactly fit into the Marvel universe, but it does sound better than The Amazing Spider-Man 2.
I know nova but Suicide squad and sinister six are two completely different things. One can work without the hero and one cant. A sinister six movie without spiderman doesnt make sense and yes these villains need buildup. Doc ock needs it he cant just show up, kraven wouldnt need it, mysterio would he cant just show up. Joker and harley and deaadhot and all these other heros arent in a universe where the hero just started like spidey did.