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Re: Hot Toys - MMS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

Hey now, didn't Peter Parker have webshooters in the old comics?, used this sort of capsule to refill them?..pretty sure.

Not gay...

I stand corrected.

As I've said many times, I don't read comics. :)

Now that I think about it, I do remember having a conversation with a friend about how it was weird that Toby was pressing his palm to make the stuff shoot out.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

For some reason, I can accept that a regular high school student gets bitten by a radioactive spider and gains superhuman reflexes and the ability to climb walls and shoot webs from his hands/wrists--but I can't accept that a regular high school student can single handedly invent the technology to shoot incredibly strong fake webs out of some kind of wrist mounted device. Go figure...
Re: Hot Toys - MMS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

Yeah, Spidey has had the web shooters since the begining. I'm not sure if the first Tobey film was the first time they were organic though. I admit at first I was doubtful about that change, but now it makes more sense to me that he got that ability too with the rest of them instead of having to invent the web shooters. I'm kinda surprised they didn't think of that earlier really.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

If the webs are produced by his body, he would have to EAT like crazy just for his body to have the mass to generate them.

That's the only part I didn't care for. But the (first two) movies were great, so it was easy for me to ignore.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

but I can't accept that a regular high school student

I'd say Peter was a tad more than your regular HS kid.. He was a pretty damn bright kid, a boy genius is how he is written.

Now we got a director that is doing things the way it's supposed to be done. (so far) Web-shooters are a big part of PP. They were a huge part of many stories, his father was a scientist that was developing the adhesive, PP just perfected it. It shows his genius side, more so than any raising your hand in class and and saying "1.21 electron volts" ever could. He would run out of webbing in a fight, and bring up dramatic circumstances. They would jam up. They cost mega $ and were expensive. Another problem for a kid. They were very much a part of the character of PP in the comics etc. Plus, they just look ____ing cool!

Organic Web-Shooters (article)

Back in days of yore, around 1991, James Cameron and Co. came up with the legendary “scriptment” that contained the now infamous “organic web-shooters.” Cameron might not have come up with the idea, but it was his will and fame that kept it in script after script until Sam Raimi arrived on the scene. The idea was that it's simply unbelievable for a high school student (as nerdy and science clubby as Peter Parker may be) to invent anything even remotely resembling the web fluid. It was Raimi's belief that if an actual scientist can't make web fluid then Parker would have no chance. So, instead of inventing a device, Peter mutated spinnerets in his forearms.
This is just another classic example of screenwriters thinking they're better than comic book writers. The real reason producers couldn't let go of the organic shooters was because it came down from upon the mountain... from James Cameron himself (Cameron's initials are J.C., Jesus's initials were J.C.... coincidence?). Film makers prodded Marvel so much about these organic web-shooters being better, that comic writers were actually forced to incorporate them into the comics! Yes, Peter Parker grew wrist spinnerets, and they worked exactly the same as the as original web-shooters, he even had to still use his devil horn trigger finger.
My problem with the organic web-shooters is the explanation. Raimi said they did this for believability, but if the audience was willing to suspend disbelief enough that a radioactive spider give a teenager super spider power, I don't think you'll lose them with mechanical web-shooters. In fact, wrist mounted web slingers are actually the most believable element of the whole Spider-man mythos. Other things that don't exist in real life: the Batmobile, adamantium, invisible jets, and jets boots, hand repulsers, unibeams, and just about every bit of Iron Man technology.
The organic web-shooters are actually far less believable because spiders do not produce webs through any of their eight legs. The spinnerets are located at the rear of the spider's abdomen, or, in the case with human/spider hybrid, on Peter Parker's ass. Yes, Spider-man would have to swing from his butt and fart at the Green Goblin. A biologist on the this History Channel's Spider-Man Tech, I think trying to be a little more discrete, suggested that our salivary glands could conceivably mutant to produce webbing, but definitely not his wrists. Additionally, the artificial webbing was designed to dissolve after an hour (great for cleaning up after spider parties), if Peter Parker produced his own webbing, there's no telling how long it would last. Spider-man would most likely poop out enough webbing to encase New York City several times over.
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Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

I can just see it now ..spidey running out of web in mid battle would be a little like the end of Ironman 1 when Tony is fighting Ironmonger with very little power.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

Now that I think about it, running out of web fluid was a pretty common thing for him in the 90's show too. I'm sure he'll run into that problem some time in the movie
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

Anybody know if this is an origins or he's already Spidey? I don't want to see him turn into Spider-Man and Uncle Ben die again. :lol
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

Webbing was never one of Spider-Man's powers in the comics. He has super-strength, enhanced agility, "spider sense", and can stick to things. That's what he got from the spider bite, the web shooters were something he made using his plain-jane human chemistry nerd knowledge. That's how it worked in the comics, and I'm guessing that's how the reboot will handle it, if they even mention the origin story at all.

He made the webshooters but the chemical makeup of how to create the webs were given to him via Spider-bite as well. The spinnerets were first really used in my memory in Spider-Man 2099, where they actually grew on Miguel O' Hara's forearms, for him they itched tremendously and eventually sprung outwards allowing him to shoot webbing from a hole in his wrist. He even remarks that at least it didn't come out of his butt. After the 2002 Tobey film I believed it was integrated into the 616 Spider-Man as well, although I wasn't following that particular book at the time so I can't be sure on the origins explained. If it is to lame duck storytelling of the era it was probably a progression of his spider-powers, a mutation continuing like everything else was at the time.

Thanks for the info, that's actually a little cooler then him just pushing down on some blister.:lol

It was to show Peter's genius. In the comics he was a science marvel, up there with some of the best and brightest. So the creation of his webshooters from everyday objects he puts together is too show off how smart he is.

And if they really are steering this in an Ultimate direction (which again, is mostly speculation), Peter got the formula for his webbing working from one of his father's unfinished experiments.

Venom and Carnage were creations of this as well in the Ultimates universe.

Which does a better job explaining how he created this ridiculous adhesive that no one else could, besides explaining it with "he's good at science".

Like I said it was originally done that he learned the chemical makeup from the spider-bite and because he is good at science he was able to replicate it. Although for a long time his creation was only viable for an hour tops, so it would dissolve after that point.

Well if we're going to go there can we talk about how he is able to cling to walls through his shoes and gloves?

In the comics, his suit is supposed to be like a second skin, even his boots just covering over his feet so there isn't much barrier. It was throughout comic history that he gain actual boots so originally in his costuming it wouldn't be a problem.

"The Spider-Man entry in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe states that Spider-Man is able to enhance the flux of inter-atomic attractive forces on surfaces he touches, increasing the coefficient of friction between that surface and himself." Whatever that means.

Stan Lee explained it as static electricity. At one point, Electro was able to use this to turn of Spider-Man's ability.

Presumably, this has very small range, which is why he can stick through his thin costume material, but has to remove his shoes if in street clothes.

I also remember for a while Stan Lee was touting the line that it was only in his hands and he used his feet as leverage in shoes to climb up, so he stuck with his hands, which in the suit were barely covered but just walked up with his feet with no real traction there. It I believe was to help explain the boots thing.

For some reason, I can accept that a regular high school student gets bitten by a radioactive spider and gains superhuman reflexes and the ability to climb walls and shoot webs from his hands/wrists--but I can't accept that a regular high school student can single handedly invent the technology to shoot incredibly strong fake webs out of some kind of wrist mounted device. Go figure...

Because it's more logical but I like the original idea better, I like Pete as a science geek.

Now that I think about it, running out of web fluid was a pretty common thing for him in the 90's show too. I'm sure he'll run into that problem some time in the movie

It's a given, I'm sure more than once. _____ing about webfluid was one of the major jokes throughout his history.

For some reason I'm getting a 1970s show vibe from that aerial shot...:lol It would be cool if they went completely spandex for his Wrestling outfit, if that part is in this, and then have him refine the suit for actual fighting...

Anybody know if this is an origins or he's already Spidey? I don't want to see him turn into Spider-Man and Uncle Ben die again. :lol

In the original script he was already Spidey but not for long. Then we heard about High School again and going through it again and recently we've heard that its mostly done via flashback, nothing completely concrete though.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

They spun (no pun intended) the running out of fluid in a darker direction in ASM a while back. MJ accused Peter of actually wanting to die due to the guilt over Ben. She cited the fact that he had so many near death experiences due to running out of fluid, so him never building a "low fluid" alert was a sign that he wasn't actively trying to find ways to stay alive.

Out of context, that sounds pretty melodramatic (well, in the story it does as well, but it fits a little better). But it's funny that after decades, they're still bringing things up like a low webbing alert.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

Also, spiders don't spin webs out of their arms.

Mechanical web shooters all the way.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

I liked the Organic Webbing. I remember as a Kid seeing Spider-Woman produce her own Psi-Webbing in the cartoons and thinking, I wish Spider-Man could do something like that
Re: Hot Toys - MMS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

They have to change the sound effects when shooting his webbing, it was atrocious in the movies, especially the first one when he discovers it on top of the building. What poor dialogue too. "Up up and away web" So lame..
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

Thats weird, when venom was kicking his ass spidey went into a panic and threw this big tank on venom then he ran for his life. Idk. Maybe it was a different story or somthing you'll have to forgive me I never read that many spidey comics.
Re: Spider-Man: The Reboot!

He made the webshooters but the chemical makeup of how to create the webs were given to him via Spider-bite as well. The spinnerets were first really used in my memory in Spider-Man 2099, where they actually grew on Miguel O' Hara's forearms, for him they itched tremendously and eventually sprung outwards allowing him to shoot webbing from a hole in his wrist. He even remarks that at least it didn't come out of his butt. After the 2002 Tobey film I believed it was integrated into the 616 Spider-Man as well, although I wasn't following that particular book at the time so I can't be sure on the origins explained. If it is to lame duck storytelling of the era it was probably a progression of his spider-powers, a mutation continuing like everything else was at the time.


Mike, I have to call BS on that one. I have never read one thing in Spider-Man to back that up unless that is another recent retcon...what is the source of that info?