Super Freak
The fact that you're even attempting to comparing Raul Julia and Street Fighter (by Steven E. de Souza) to Heath Ledger and The Dark Knight (by Chris Nolan) is extreeeeeeeeeeeemely sad and pathetic.![]()
If you are going where I think you are with this Nam, it falls in with my point. It's not a direct point to point comparison between the two movies, but more between the two properties and whether or not "posthumous star power" is a driving force in the box office success of the property. Raul Julia before Street Fighter was at least as famous as Heath Ledger before TDK (if not moreso). I think it's fair to compare their star power, and based on Raul's career, even let him claim more of it than Heath had. Street Fighter was a popular property with a horrible movie (kinda like Batman and Robin, no?) but yet it didn't do as well as B&R in absolute terms, or relatively as well as TDK in proportional terms to it's own budget. (Of course I am not comparing Street Fighter box office return directly to TDKs box office return--that's unfair considering TDK had much bigger budget. Therefore I am comparing each film's box office return to it's own budget. Per ever 1 dollar spent to make Street Fighter, it earned about 3. Per every 1 dollar spent to make TDK, it earned about 6. Street Fighter was a big property, but it is dwarfed in comparison to the Batman property...which I think you are going with the "attempting to compare" above. OF COURSE a BATMAN movie is going to make relatively more than a STREET FIGHTER movie, (that is what I have been saying)..., but because it is BATMAN movie---not because it is a "famous actor died" movie. The same applies to comparing Nolan and de Souza...if your point is that a Nolan-directed movie attracts more than de Souza...AGREED...that is yet another factor for the relative success of TDK over Street Fighter.
Really? Street Fighter is all you have after all your bull____ text walls?
How old are you? I remember Raul's passing, I remember Heath's passing. If you remember both and you think Raul generated a fraction of the news that Heath's did it pretty much sums up why your opinion is so myopic on the subject. Plus, going back to some of your earlier BS, I never said that TDK was a hit because of Ledgers passing, I said it was a crutch of free publicity. Again, I have no problems with discussions, but if you're going to try to twist what I'm saying so that you can have some of my attention then its not going to be a discussion its just going to be a flame war.
Question for both you and Nam. If (when) TDKR does better in the box office than TDK, what will the excuse/explanation be? The general concensus on this board seems to be that it isn't being hyped up as much as the lead-in months to TDK were hyped...and it doesn't have the "crutch of free publicity" from a dead actor that TDK had.