Re: The Batman film directed by Matt Reeves...again
That's the price of having so much to choose from. We all get what we want which is great but there's no one thing for the world to collectively embrace or take ownership of anymore.
nah i disagree. there are plenty of memorable films and scenes. TDK Trilogy has a ton. The new Star Wars have all had a lot. And Fury Road is one of the most creative films in the past 40 years IMO from costumes, to sets, to stunts. Even a few quotes from it became pop culture.
Maybe the Marvel films aren't as much mainly because they have become this endless continuous story with TV trying to tie to it, and there are so many characters across all the films and TV.
But even Suicide Squad, although i know a lot didnt like it, Harley & Joker have become icons, even if you don't like them. They are different and creative. You might not like it, but they are pop culture icons. And if you didn't like them, thats fine.
movie directors like Chris Nolan and Alejandro González Iñárritu always put out highly creative films for Hollywood movies. And there is a ton more than just those two.
Art isn't dead. And throughout art history thing have been recycled over and over. For example Dali wasn't the first to do Surrealism. He was influenced by others doing it. And artists being inspired by other artists goes back hundreds and thousands of years.
Star Wars is Kurosawa.
Art is very much alive. More art is being created now than in history. I'm a graphic designer so i study a lot of different types of art. There is some amazing stuff going on in all mediums. Digital, to film, to print.
The only thing i feel is different is people's patients. They either move on so quickly to the next thing or they can't sit and wait for something. Its like everyday someone is trying to reveal spoilers to every single movie in production. I see like 50 of them every day just for Star Wars alone through all my Social Media. I try to ignore them all because i dont want to know. I rather go see a film and be surprised by the story. Spoilers to me ruin a movie experience.
And being a graphic designer even the way our work is produced has changed. Clients expect things faster and cheaper. Its like if you don't respond to an email within 10 minutes they think your ignoring them.
Anyway. Art isn't dead. Far from it. If anything its bigger and everywhere.