The Batman (June 25, 2021)

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Confession time: what I'm about to say might shock and appall you, but I have to say it.

I don't like Mark Hamill's Joker.

Yes. You heard me.

Last year I bought the complete B:TAS bluray set, and I was excited to rewatch the entire series. To my shock, some of the absolute worst episodes were the Joker episodes. He wasn't scary, he wasn't menacing....he was just a dorky doofus like on the old Adam West show.

I think I convinced myself when I was younger that of course the Joker episodes were great, cause he's THE JOKER....but watching them again,'s just not the case.

Also, Harley is in almost all of his episodes too, and I freaking LOATHE that character. She's not "cute" or "bubbly"....she's like fingernails slowly raking down a chalkboard. I can't stand any iteration of her....the dorky jester version or the streetwalker hooker version....all of them are obnoxious as hell to me.

Sorry. I'll turn in my official "nerd" card on my way out.
Confession time: what I'm about to say might shock and appall you, but I have to say it.

I don't like Mark Hamill's Joker.

Also, Harley is in almost all of his episodes too, and I freaking LOATHE that character. She's not "cute" or "bubbly"....she's like fingernails slowly raking down a chalkboard. I can't stand any iteration of her....the dorky jester version or the streetwalker hooker version....all of them are obnoxious as hell to me.

Sorry. I'll turn in my official "nerd" card on my way out.


I really enjoy Hamill's Joker & Harley, but in the context that they are in an animated cartoon. Not sure if they acted/sounded like that in a live action movie I'd feel the same way... I can't stand Margot Robbie's Harley. I like her, but not as Harley Quinn, or at least the way the character is portrayed in the awful DCEU movies (yet I enjoy her in the Arkham video games)...
I have to respectfully disagree, for me Hamill IS the Joker - his performances in Mad Love, Joker's Favour, Almost Got 'Im, Laughing Fish and The Man Who Killed Batman, are some of the best stuff that the Joker character has ever been involved with - but for me his best stuff with the character has to be the Arkham games, without the age restrictions of the Animated Series you can see the full laughably evil clown in all his infamy.
I like scary and intimidating Jokers, but for me the best Jokers have that AND are genuinely a little funny - which is why Hamill and Nicholson are the best Jokers in my book.
Hamill's Joker evolved a lot over the years. In the early episodes it was very plain and mostly just sounded like Hamill trying to do a funny voice. Then over time it took on a more gravelly and sinister vibe and he just kept refining it from there.

Batman is emo tho. I don’t get why people think he ain’t.
You can keep repeating that, yet he's still not "emo",
Nah dude is pretty emo. Don’t care what the older comics says. Brooding in your cave all day
Except he does not just stay in the cave all day, He actively has a life (maybe two) outside it.
The cave is just a base, one other tool in his arsenal.

He's also not...
Grab them, amputate them and stick them in a brick-&-mortar prison underneath the Batcave. It's not a level of cruelty that's absent from BatBooks. The worse they become, and the more of a whiny weakling Batman turns into, the more perplexed I am at the current state of "heroes", "villains" and the messages these books contain. I suppose it's more important to show that Batman's supportive of Tim getting dicked than have him, *gasp*, kill a homicidal serial killer. I know it's all done to keep publishing the stories, but Christ, come up with better excuses at least.
a homicidal maniac extreme killer.
Not sure what books you guys are reading :lol

He's somewhere between, in fact his whole arc is not surrendering to being a useless emo, but surviving his tragedy by actively doing something about it ... And in doing so, also needs to reign himself in from not becoming the same as those who killed his parents.
That's precisely how he reinvents himself, so as not to become either of the things you have him be.
(and likley what Riddler exploits)

Seems to be exactly what this movie wants to explore. Again this grittier year one strapped together self made Batman finding his way is my favorite take. This is nothing new.


Why is it always the villains plan now to get caught? This, Skyfall, TDK, Avengers, I'm sure there are more.

True! Oddly enough (well before those you list), that's also the plot of the first Batman 66 episode, whose first stand alone villain was in fact Riddler.:wink1:
Plot (although camp) was in part letting himself get arrested, to frame Batman

Obviously not Reeves' take, which is dead serious, yet was he a fan? Wright seems to think so.
" I was a lunatic Adam West Batman fan. And Matt Reeves, who is directing the movie, was as well. And we were talking about it and he said, "In my mind, that wasn't camp." .... Matt and I agree it wasn't camp for us, it was deadly serious for an 8-year-old kid. ....."- Jeffrey Wright
Also 66 Riddler hide out was an abandoned subway satiation (here flipped)

Cue ironwez20 thinking I'm comparing it's tone to Batman 66.
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You can keep repeating that, yet he's still not "emo",

Except he does not just stay in the cave all day, He actively has a life (maybe two) outside it.
The cave is just a base, one other tool in his arsenal.

He's also not...

a homicidal maniac extreme killer.
Not sure what books you guys are reading :lol

He's somewhere between, in fact his whole arc is not surrendering to being a useless emo, but surviving his tragedy by actively doing something about it ... And in doing so, also needs to reign himself in from not becoming the same as those who killed his parents.
That's precisely how he reinvents himself, so as not to become either of the things you have him be.
(and likley what Riddler exploits)

Seems to be exactly what this movie wants to explore. Again this grittierg year one strapped together Batman finding his way is my favorite take. This is nothing new.



True! Oddly enough (well before those you list), that's also the plot of the first Batman 66 episode, whose first stand alone villain was in fact Riddler.:wink1:
Plot (although camp) was in part letting himself get arrested, to frame Batman

Obviously not Reeves' take, which is dead serious, yet was he a fan? Wright seems to think so.

Cue ironwez20 thinking I'm comparing it's tone to Batman 66.
You can keep saying he’s not emo but he most certainly is. Don’t care what you may think. Gothic and emo is damn near the same thing. Also when he’s not fighting crime he stays in his cave crying about his dead friends and relatives. That ain’t emo to you? Ok

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