Uh-oh, I may have summoned DarthKostis ...
Hey look, Fant4stic finally has a use.
I prefer Bond, Indy, Batman, McClane, Mad Max, Aragorn, Neo, Jack Sparrow, Iron Man, even Star Lord and young Luke Skywalker.
I prefer Doctor Doom, Kang, Namor, Anakin, Palpatine, Lucifer, Paul Atreides, Elric, Sauro- Wait a sec.
Prepare for Chad SpiderMan photos and an elaborate dissertation on the growth and ultimate pandering-death of The Amazing Spider-Man.
I don't actually care about Spider-Man these days. Certainly not enough to write a blogpost. I've said it before, I'll say it again, I'll get the Tobey Dolly and for nostalgia and that'll be it. I'll give you an example. In my Comics HD, I have 150 GBs of BatBooks, stopping at Nu52. Iron Man, 40GBs. Fantastic Four? 65 GBs. Now X-Men, that's big. I have the entire chronological run, every issue in order, every tie-in and event tracked. From the very first issue until Secret Wars (2015). Most of them as scans, with their old ads and everything. On top of that, I have every X-Issue (mainline, spinoffs, OGNs, everything; just not the issues of other titles that are in the chronological pack) in the best quality possible. Now that's 400 GBs. My Spider-Man collection is a low quality/scan chronological run stopping before Superior starts, sitting at just 36 GBs. And those are just sitting there, I've never opened them. Because I don't care. He's a part of my childhood, I like the costume and the powers (hence why I enjoy the videogames and have quite a few of them; about as many as Batman, though I've tried to get all the X-Men ones too) but that's where it stops.
So, sadly, you're not going to get pictures of Spider-Chad. Because Parker isn't a Chad. Parker's a wimp and a pain fetishist who likes his life being awful and makes deals with the devil. We're talking about the utter moron who swapped his wife (and future daughter) for a 90 YO woman. I get it that OMD was editorial mandate and a retarded story all around, but it still happened. I don't know, I could never take him seriously once I jumped from Ultimate to 616, and saw like 40 years worth of stories where a supergenius scientist struggles to make ends meet when his patents alone could make him a billionaire. The dimwit's friends with Reed Richards for Go- No. I'm not saying anymore. I don't care. Period.
LOL have you seen MJ and Gwen and Black Cat et al? Talk about wish fulfillment. Careful lest you call up DarthKostis!
Most superheroes are wish fulfilment, but Spider-Man and Wolverine are the worst offenders. The former appeals to the meek, skinny nerds who remained stunted manchildren like Parker, and the latter appeals to the fat, gross manlet tubbies who LARP as "bros". I hate Wolverine more, between the two. At least Parker's decently tall and handsome, plus he has great powers. Wolverine's lame. LAME!
Meanwhile at the darthkostis homestead…
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How dare you. It's obvious that I get my "satisfaction" by looking myself in the mirror, imagining I'm Doctor Doom and doing what needs to be done.